Leadership & Team Building

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Staff Bonding Through Encouragement

In this activity, students present their work, whether a design or a photo, on their computer screen.

Re-examining the Student Media Staff Manual

Staff manuals provide student journalists with resources and guidance. Now is the perfect time to evaluate and review your guidelines.

Yearbook branding goal setting

Students will reflect on last year’s book (and maybe more) to figure out what they collectively like and dislike for their look and feel for the next year’s theme.

Staff bonding through encouragement

Staff reflection and problem-solving strategy

This team building activity allows people to clear the air to then return to the work refreshed and stronger as a team.

Individual and group goal setting for returning media staff

Students will reflect on last year and their experience on the media staff.

Assigning job descriptions to leadership

Leaders will work independently by reflecting on their media experience.

Creating a leadership commitment contract

The commitment contract will leave no secrets among the leaders, their parents and the adviser. Expectations are spelled out as to what being a leader will entail.

Plastic wrap the team

Students will be wrapped up as a group by the plastic wrap and will have to move physically toward a common goal (like a reward or treat).

Individual and group goal setting for new media staff

Students will integrate into the media staff.

Learning how personality types can influence leadership

Students will work independently by first taking a personality inventory.

Training leaders how to be leaders

Students will create and conduct their own workshop for leadership training.

Leading coverage during an election cycle

With this lesson, students will explore how to cover local, state or national elections through the lens of their school audience.

Choosing staff leaders and recruiting staff

This lesson will help students decide the criteria by which they choose their leaders and help walk them through the process of selecting their next leadership team.

Establishing core values and individual/staff goals

Using the maestro approach

Students will work together in small groups to cover a story.

Developing a student PLC for leadership growth

Just like teachers continue their growth with activities like professional development and professional learning communities, students will participate in a professional learning community to help advance their learning when it comes to media.

Developing staff commitment (hosting a wedding)

Staff members symbolize their commitment to their staff by having a wedding ceremony during which all staff members express their devotion to the media for the year ahead.

Discovering your diversity

Students will evaluate a typical publication at your school and compare the coverage to the diversity of your school population.

Learning about your leadership style

Students will work independently and in small groups to research leadership style surveys, take the surveys and then share the survey results with the class.

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