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Sports Photos: Middle School
Students will explore websites and YouTube videos for strategies and techniques for taking good sports photos.Tips and Tricks
Social media + Photography: Middle School
In this two-day lesson, students will be introduced to many issues surrounding social media, technology and photography, including copyright considerations and how to use photography effectively in different social media outlets. Then, students will experiment with using a specific social media outlet.Photojournalism in the Newsroom
Aspects of exposure: Middle school
In this 2-day lesson, students will research an aspect of exposure. They will learn about that aspect and prepare a poster that includes explanations and examples and activities in order to teach the rest of the class about that exposure aspect.Exposure
Five Things to Spend Your Budget On
This lesson makes some suggestions for what to spend your money on. Students will plan a purchase based on your staff’s needs.Photojournalism in the Newsroom
10 Questions to Ask Before Taking a Photo
This lesson will encourage photographers to move away from simple point-and-shoot, selfie-rich photography to making several critical decisions before taking each photo.Basics of Photojournalism
Photoshop Adjustment Layers
Students will use adjustment layers in Photoshop to improve a photo using non-destructive methods.The Digital Darkroom + Final Portfolios
Cutting Out Backgrounds in Photoshop
Students will use two methods to make a cutout background of an image. This will also cover the integration of Photoshop and InDesign.The Digital Darkroom + Final Portfolios
Making selections in Photoshop
This lesson will cover a handful of the multiple ways to make selections in Photoshop.The Digital Darkroom + Final Portfolios
Using Adobe Bridge for File Management
In this lesson, students are introduced to Bridge, a powerful tool that Adobe now allows everyone to download for free.The Digital Darkroom + Final Portfolios
Cropping for impact
This lesson will explore the impact of cropping an image from the inside out.The Digital Darkroom + Final Portfolios
Using histograms to adjust exposure
Students will learn what a histogram is and see examples of correctly exposed, overexposed and underexposed images to study histograms and how the camera’s light meter works.Exposure
Flash photography
In this lesson, students will explore the use of external flashes to augment available light and control image lighting.Tips and Tricks
Choosing photos for publication
Students will participate in a fictional scenario in which they make decisions about the front page content for their student newspaper, The Monthly Gazette.The Digital Darkroom + Final Portfolios
Photography in motion
In this short lesson, students will learn about several different methods of capturing motion in photography, including techniques for blurring and freezing motion.Tips and Tricks
News and feature photos
In this one-day lesson, students will explore the differences between news and feature photos.Basics of Photojournalism
Capture the moment
Students will learn about the importance of storytelling in journalistic photography.Basics of Photojournalism
Photojournalism in the newsroom: Assessment
In this lesson, students will take the quiz to assess their knowledge of how photojournalism works in the newsroom.Photojournalism in the Newsroom
Introduction to basic exposure
Students will learn about one of the different aspects of exposure (ISO, Shutter Speed, Aperture).Exposure
Comprehensive photojournalism review & exam
In this two-day lesson, students will play a game of Snowball Fight to review history & ethics information.The Digital Darkroom + Final Portfolios