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Using Data to Cover a Beat

Students read a blog post on using data to find stories, then apply the principles to their own beat coverage and generate story ideas.

Podcasts are Just Like Writing a Beat

Students will listen to a podcast and analyze the elements contained within to understand how the audio format is closely related to writing.

Recording and Editing a Practice Podcast on Audacity

Students will understand how to easily record and edit a podcast by practicing using the free software program Audacity.

Understanding and Using Analytics to Drive Traffic

Students will review a presentation to understand the important data included in a Google Analytics report. Students will then make judgments based on analysis of their own analytics and apply those ideas to their own website.

Critiquing your Website for Awards

Students will review current design in web design and content, then compare their own content to what others have done and make adaptations based on that comparison.

Covering an event for a beat

In this lesson, students will learn how to plan beat coverage and then, as a class, cover a schoolwide event.

Self-evaluating: When is my beat ready for submission?

As each writer will submit beats for publication, students will learn how to determine when they have met all the criteria for a beat, and they will understand criteria that they will be assessed on (a.k.a. “How do I get an A on this?”).

Creating an easy cell phone video with Adobe Premiere Clip

In the lesson, students will learn about the stories on the web that are best complemented by video and the rationale for using a free online app called Adobe Premiere Clip. Then they will create their own video using this tool.

Creating a multimedia feature story for the Web

Students write a feature and create a multimedia element that complements it. 

Creating a Timeline with Knight Lab

Students will learn about the stories on the web that highlight time frames and the rationale for using a free online creation tool from Knight Lab called Timeline. Then, they will create their own data visualization using this tool.

Creating infographics with Piktochart

Students will learn about stories on the web that highlight data and the rationale for using a free online creation tool called Piktochart. Then they will create their own data visualization using this tool.

Creating a StoryMap with Knight Lab

Students will learn about the stories on the web that highlight locations and the rationale for using a free online creation tool called StoryMap. Then they will create their own data visualization using this tool.

Keep readers from leaving your site

This lesson will discuss how to improve a website quickly and simply with a focus on multimedia tools that are easy for students to use and include.

Headlines and Search Engine Optimization

This lesson will help students to understand the difference between writing headlines for print and online stories.

Fair use and social media

In this lesson, students will review the concept of fair use and discuss how it applies to social media.

Basic HTML and using embed codes

Students will learn basic HTML and how to embed content into a page or post.

Improve beats by adding GIFs and featured images

Understanding copyright and Creative Commons

Students research copyright, fair use and various license types and will create an infographic that explains key concepts and guidelines.

How a breaking story unfolds online

Students evaluate how professional news organizations break news using the Web and social media tools.

Planning a multimedia package (team reporting)

Students learn how to plan a multimedia package, then work in small groups to create their own online package plan.

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