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Journalism Versus English Class Writing

In this lessons, students learn the differences between journalistic and english class writing and how to apply that to their news writing.

Tightening for Clarity

In this lesson, students learn how to tighten their journalistic writing for clarity.

Modeling a Profile Interview

This lesson (first in a three-lesson series) is an excellent way to start writing instruction. The series of lessons will ask students to write the beginning of one of the most basic journalistic forms: a profile story based on interviews of a single source.

Conducting the First Interview

This lesson asks students to interview a classmate as preparation for writing the beginning of one of the most basic journalistic forms: a profile story based on interviews of a single source.

Laundry Lists and Magical Second Interviews

This lesson asks students to edit a sample beginning of a feature profile story.

Finding features: 20 stories about lockers

Students will individually brainstorm 20 stories about lockers, share ideas, and develop those ideas into viable story concepts.

Designing an editorial cartoon

This lesson helps all students develop this skill by asking students to design their own editorial cartoons and offer feedback on classmates’ cartoons

Lesson: Analyzing Peers: Evaluating Write-off Sports Entries

Lesson: Analyzing Peers: Evaluating Write-off Commentary Entries

Lesson: Analyzing Peers: Evaluating Write-off Review Entries

Lesson: Analyzing Peers: Evaluating Write-off Editorial Entries

Lesson: Analyzing Peers: Evaluating Write-off Feature Entries

Analyzing peers: Evaluating Write-off news entries

Developing problem-solution counterarguments

In this lesson, which comes after students have conducted research for a problem-solution structured editorial/column, students will use a template to think through the most likely counterarguments.

Practicing form: Fairy tale news stories

In this lesson students will use fairy tales to practice writing news stories without the added complexity of conducting interviews and outside research.

Use reading strategies to peer edit

In this lesson, students will learn to consider readers’ needs when writing stories and designing pages.

A sneaky introduction to satire

This lesson tricks students by offering them a satirical school memo and pretending it is an official one, leading to a deep engagement with the subject matter.

Writing a preview story

Students will write a news story about a school or community event that will take place in the future.

Introduction to journalistic writing

Writing headlines

This is a lesson introducing basic headline writing style and techniques.

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