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Quick Hits for Editing
These focused, short exercises can be used daily or weekly to improve students’ editing skills – in their own work and the work of others.Editing
Deconstructing News Features
In this lesson, students learn how to deconstruct a story and analyze how it’s put together.Editing
Fact checking 1
These tips will help students practice using methods newsroom pros use, too, and apply them to their own student media.Editing
Editing to avoid slanted language
This lesson helps students learn to edit for word choice, avoiding slanted, biased or loaded language that can sway the audience’s view of a person or situation.Editing
Editing cutlines and captions
Students will learn to edit and revise cutlines, also called captions, for style, length and accuracy.Editing
Choosing engaging verbs
This lesson encourages students to choose active, accurate and engaging verbs that help the reader experience the action.Editing
Fact checking 2
We’ll use the same tips we used on the first fact-checking lesson and apply them to an article that has already been published.Editing
Condensing for space
In this lesson, students bring completed feature or longer news stories to class. These may be drafts or final work. Students will be asked to cut the stories to fit a smaller space.Editing
Editing for word choice
In this lesson, students bring second drafts to class for close-editing on word choice.Editing
Active and passive voice
A lesson explaining the difference between active and passive voice and how to change from one to the other.Editing
Why style matters
Students have been provided a newspaper story that they will edit for AP style, accuracy, attribution, correct paragraphing, grammar, spelling and redundancy.Editing
Copy editing tools
This straight-forward lesson exposes students to copy editing symbols, allows them to put the symbols to use and then assesses their understanding of those symbols.Editing
Collaborate and coach writers
In this lesson on the writing process, students will learn how to act as coaches during the writing process.Editing
Deep revision
“Deep revision” is when authors expand or collapse paragraphs; narrow or change the focus, angle, or approach a piece.Editing
Edit for style
Students will search common AP style usage examples in everyday media sources and discuss how they are used appropriately … or not!Editing