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Election Coverage

This lesson on election coverage moves students through critical-thinking and decision-making processes, then prompts them to cover stories communities need.

The Power of “How” and “Why”: How Curiosity Can Lead to Great Storytelling

In this lesson, students will be encouraged to think of themselves as “explorers of the world” and will consider the value of asking “how” and “why” in an interview.

Humans of Your School Personality Profile

Students will have an opportunity to practice all aspects of yearbook journalism and to learn the process.

Digital note-taking tools experiment

Students will apply research, observation and note-taking skills to synthesize a new method of news gathering with digital note-taking apps such as Evernote and Google Keep.

The human touch: Humans of Your School

This lesson discusses Stanton’s ability to build rapport with strangers and how you will adapt his model to your own interviewing style.

Using Social Media to Cultivate Coverage

Students will review and evaluate professional and other media staffs’ methods of storytelling on a variety of social media platforms.

Digital Dictation Tools

Students will explore digital tools to capture and transcribe interviews.

Establishing and Nurturing Relationships in Beat Reporting

Students will understand and operate a beat reporting system.

Pitch in: Elements of Story Pitch Meetings

Students will analyze how to use the 5Ws and H to test their story idea and present in a concise manner.

Finding stories in data

This lesson helps students begin to identify potential story ideas in data they have collected and introduces students to resources they can use to help visualize that data.

Introduction to spreadsheets

This lesson introduces students to working with spreadsheets in Microsoft Excel, Google Forms and Google Sheets.

Using descriptive statistics to analyze data

This lesson introduces students to basic descriptive statistics used for initial data analysis.

Gathering data

Students become more familiar with data journalism.

Data in scholastic and professional journalism

Students will explore data journalism projects on both the professional and student level and brainstorm how data might be used in their own reporting.

Why data literacy matters

This lesson explores why data journalism matters and exposes students to the importance of data and math literacy, even as journalists.

News gathering basics unit review and test

This lesson provides a review and a test of news gathering basics: research, writing questions, interviewing and observation.

Fact finding and observation

Students will practice essential skills of a reporter: finding and researching facts, interviewing and observation.

Note taking practice

In this lesson, students will learn some tips and tricks for journalistic note taking and practice taking notes from a guest speaker, video or prepared speech.

Interviewing basics

Students learn how to plan, conduct and conclude an interview.

Using public documents

This lesson takes students through the steps of gathering and using public documents to report a story and to cover a public meeting.

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