Minutes from April 4, 2001, Board of Directors Meeting

Minutes from April 4, 2001, Board of Directors Meeting

Board meeting
April 4, 2001
San Francisco
Marriott Room Pacific I

President H.L. Hall called the meeting to order at 7:34a.m.

Past President Candace Perkins Bowen called the roll.

Those present included:

Board officers H.L. Hall, president; Ann Visser, vice president; Terry Nelson, secretary; Candace Bowen, past president/convention coordinator. JEA Headquarters Linda Puntney, JEA executive director; Connie Fulkerson, JEA administrative assistant/bookstore; Editor Bradley Wilson, C:JET and Newswire publications.

Regional directors Sylvia Daughtry, Region 5; Jane Blystone, Region 7; Tony Gomez, Region 2; Rod Howe, Region 3; Carol Lange, Region 6; Steve Matson, Region 1; Susan Roberts, Region 4.

Commission chairs John Bowen, Scholastic Press Rights; Mary Patrick, Junior High/Middle School; Norma Kneese, Multicultural; Susan Tantillo and Carla Harris, Certification; Michael Dunlap, Development/Curriculum. AD HOC board member Joe Nations.

Committee chairs Bernadette Tucker, Write-Off.

Liaisons Julie Dodd, Scholastic Press Association Directors; Pat Graff, NCTE; Tom Rolnicki, NSPA executive director.

Guest Gaylen Isaacs from Honolulu, Hawaii.

Approval of Minutes

The minutes of the Board Meeting from Kansas City were corrected to read “Anaheim,” and not San Francisco for the location of the general and board meetings. Additional corrections made by H.L. Hall included the addition of the word “president” after NCTE on page 7; a correction to MJE numbers on page 6; the spelling of, “Michele” Dunaway’s name on page 1; and “Web site” on page four under “Endorsements and Partnerships” The corrected minutes were approved on a motion by Sylvia Daughtry and a second from Carol Lange. The vote was unanimous.

Diversity Training

A presentation was made by Dr. Ron Brown, founder of Banks Brown, a consultant management firm, who was invited by the board to help with diversity training, and identification of goals and action plans for the upcoming year.

The business meeting reconvened after a short break at 10 a.m.

Old Business

National Language Arts Standards – Candace Bowen

Still weak in the ELS part. Working document sent to the NCTE in January. Acquisition editor will let Candace know what the review committee thinks or if there are any revisions.

National Certification/Standards- Ann Visser

Thought this topic had been tabled. Pat Graff said requirements for national boards is “very doable.” She is amazed how language arts techniques are integrated into journalism curriculum. Can work for language arts and journalism teachers. H.L. suggests this topic remains tabled.

Distance Learning- Julie Dodd

Conducted a random survey and found that people would be interested in taking classes through the internet or through CD ROM. Information could be a link off the JEA listserv.

H.L. Hall contacted ASNE about interest in financing an online class, but it is not part of their proposal for the money from the Knight Foundation. ASNE suggested the group contact the Knight Foundation directly. Jane Blystone raised question if all states would accept online classes for credit. Carol Lange suggested that Julie compile a list for review by the board so we could make recommendations before going to Knight for funding. Julie agreed to do so. Steve Matson suggested we develop a course that would meet the requirements for CJE and MJE certification, and then allow the state groups to enhance or modify the program for their own state requirements.

Profit/Loss·statement (Kansas City)- Linda Puntney

Reported a net income of $142,031.00, including Write Off contests profits. Total expenses of the Kansas City convention, not including most board members, travel or hotel expenses, was $72,006.26. Total JEA profit was $70024.74 Overall, JEA has spent 79.1% of the budget for the year.
The Scholastic Press Rights shows a negative amount because of the First Amendment School’s project and at this point JEA had not received the mailing reimbursement from the Freedom Forum.

Candace Bowen asked that the Profit and Loss Statement report be corrected to reflect that the $531.25 is not listserv maintenance, but for airfare for the NNA meeting in Denver and for transportation to this conference.

Total Portfolio Return 13.94%

AP Journalism Class- H.L. Hall

No update except there was to be a survey sent out in March to the principals of high schools and deans at the college level. According to Lee Jones, the hold-up is that they are exploring all sorts of AP classes, and the AP board wants to wait. H.L. said the survey should go out this spring. Hall suggested the group talk to state directors and have them advise their members to ask their principals if they have received the questionnaires.

Linda Puntney said the survey is on the back of the convention evaluation form, so we can access some feedback from teachers.

First Amendment High Schools – John Bowen

Reports they are progressing well in the second year of the award. In March the First Amendment Center of the Freedom Forum partnered with a group (ASCD) and raised the question of whether the award is an image recognition collision between two projects. Ken Paulsen, from the First Amendment Center asked if the groups should merge award programs or change the names, and that the First Amendment Center would withdraw its support of JEA’s recognition after 2001 because of confusion between awards given out by the two groups. One award uses the word , “High” and the other does not.

According to Carol Lange, the ASCD program is not a recognition program, but a development program and extends from elementary through high school levels. Tom Rolnicki suggests we go along with the name change, but ask for a five-year commitment from the Freedom Forum. Tony Gomez suggested that the committee study name changes and use e-mail to get support of other sponsoring groups.

MOTION made by Carol Lange: ” … JEA change the name of our current First Amendment High School Award to one agreed upon by the partner organizations.”

Seconded by Rod Howe.

Motion carried unanimously

MOTION made by Tony Gomez: ” … have the Scholastic Press Rights Commission negotiate a name change for the First Amendment High School Award”

Seconded by Carol Lange.

Discussion – Tom Rolnicki suggested that someone conduct an internet search before the name is chosen.

Rod Howe suggested that board members write down name suggestions to give to John Bowen during the meeting before lunch.

Motion carried unanimously.

Semiannual Report – Ann Visser

Posted to the Web site. Suggests that a consistent approach be developed so that everyone knows what is expected in the report. All reports were different. Asks if the board can update a style sheet because of the number of errors. Ann asks that all board members please update reports.

Listserv – Candace Bowen

JEA Talk is for board/committee/commission/state directors and is to be used as a means of internal organization communication.

The JEA Helpline has 431 members as of March 24. Members can review archives under subject and name to reduce duplicity of questions and discussion topics. Recommendation made by Pat Graff to post list of name removal instructions and archival topics on a monthly basis. Suggestion also made to distribute a hard copy of rules to JEA membership. Candace will post brief instructions and reminders on the 15th of each month.

Las Vegas Retreat – Tony Gomez and Linda Puntney

Brochures were distributed to board members.

In response to advisers’ requests for a nicer location, the Flamingo Hilton will be the location of the retreat. This program has been offered for three years. Rod suggested that the institute include teaching teachers how to teach summer workshops. Terry Nelson suggested that a list of participants then be compiled and distributed to the state leaders of workshops.

Scholarship for Prospective Journalism Teachers- Candace Bowen

The first scholarship went to Brian Hayes, who is also scheduled to teach at this convention. The next step is to find someone outside JEA to fund it, so we can offer more scholarships to potential journalism teachers.

Time Out for Diversity/Diversity Training – Norma Kneese

Suggested the board wait for copies to be run of notes from training taken by the board members earlier in the day before discussing the day’s Diversity Training.

Linda Puntney suggested we drop the “Time Out for Diversity” program until the board decides on goals regarding diversity or there is follow-up on the program.

Bradley Wilson suggested the group push the program instead and that Linda Puntney could make those packets available to anyone who wants to use them or give the packets to a committee for revision. Norma Kneese suggested the packets could be used as part of the potential training class for workshop directors. H.L. Hall directed the commission to explore ways to use the packets

Online Proposal/Grants – H.L. Hall and Steve Matson

Steve Matson said there needs to be a committee organized to continue work on the Technology Proposal, which was distributed to the board to read. Two thousand dollars has been allocated in the new budget to be approved later in the meeting if the board decides to approve such a committee.

Purpose of the committee would be to maintain information posted on the Web that would be reviewed twice a year and updated. Members of the committee would not necessarily have to be on the board. At least half the members of this committee should be journalism advisers. Steve Matson asks that more help be given from the headquarters, and that staffing and funding is needed for this new committee.

MOTION made by Susan Roberts: ” … that we create a standing technology committee” Seconded by Sylvia Daughtry.

Discussion: Susan Roberts said that committees are being set up in Texas to write curriculum for newspaper, yearbook photojournalism and broadcast technology curriculum, and that Texas journalism classes are now receiving technology credit.

Motion carried unanimously.

Recommendations: JEA Webmaster Brent Gray, Mark Murray, Susan Roberts, Carol Lange, Steve Matson, Julie Dodd, Keith Allen. Tony Gomez suggested that the multicultural commission also submit a list of names.

MOTION made by Candace Bowen: ” … we add Technology Committee to the standing committees in the bylaws to provide support to members with technology issues related to student journalism.”

Seconded by John Bowen

Motion carried unanimously.

Quill and Scroll Anniversary – Linda Puntney

Suggested either the Friday or Saturday night reception be in honor of the 75th anniversary of Quill and Scroll, and issue an invitation for other groups to honor them as well at next fall’s convention.

H.L. Hall would like to rotate the responsibility of writing the columns for Quill and Scroll magazine. If someone would like to write the column, let H.L. know and he will share the specifications from Quill and Scroll.

New Business

San Francisco Convention – Tom Rolnicki

Reports 5,092 re-rergistered paying delegates. In 1998 4,800 were pre-registered in Washington. This convention will be the largest convention in the 80-year history. Tonight’s reception will honor the first-time attendees and the local committee chairs from 9-11 p.m. immediately following the keynote speaker.

Future Convention Sites –

Boston will be the next site of the national convention in fall of 2001; Phoenix will be the site in the spring of 2002. Dallas, 2002 fall; Portland, 2003 spring; Washington DC, 2003 fall; San Diego, 2004 spring.

According to Carol Lange, Madeline Blaise and Mark Kramer have been approached for teaching a narrative journalism strand at the Boston convention.

Possibilities for the Chicago 2004 fall convention include the Sheraton and Towers-Cityfront Center, but the proposals were not returned, so there were none to present. Hyatt Regency has more than adequate ballroom facility, 800 double-doubles. Nov. 11-14, 2004 are the dates available, but are back-to-back with the ACP convention. Nov. 9-13, 2005 are better dates. The Chicago Hilton and Towers is not as conducive a location for students. Not Many fast food options nearby. They are anxious to have the convention but the ballroom could not hold delegates.

MOTION made by Candace Bowen: ” … we accept the 2005 dates for the Hyatt Regency Chicago.”

Susan Roberts seconded the motion.

Motion passes unanimously.

MOTION made by Sylvia Daughtry: ” … we approve the budget for the Fall 2002 convention”

Ann Visser seconded the motion.

Motion passes unanimously.

AEJMC – H.L. Hall

AEJMC passed a motion in January to work with JEA to create national journalism standards.

MOTION made by Terry Nelson: ” … JEA combine with the scholastic journalism division of AEJMC in writing national standards for journalism teachers.”

Carla Harris seconded the motion.

Discussion: Pat Graff added that NCTE might also be anxious to endorse this document.

Motion passes unanimously.

Randy Vonderheid, Linda Puntney, Candace Bowen, Terry Nelson, Sherry Taylor (Georgia), Joe Nations and Fern Valentine are suggested to be members of this study, with Candace Bowen serving as the chair.

Internet Blocking – John Bowen

ACLU will file against the libraries for blocking internet usage. Step two will be to file against the school portion of the act. They need help from schools with specific information on instances where valid information has been blocked. Send the information to either John Bowen, Scholastic Press Rights Commission head, or president H.L. Hall.

Student Press Law Center – H.L. Hall

Needs money from JEA to help pay with revision of book, “Law of the Student Press.” Mark Goodman estimates the revision will cost $65,000.

MOTION made by Candace Bowen: ” … we make a donation of $5,000 to the Student Press Law Center from this year’s funds to support revisions of the book, “Law of the Student Press.”

Carla Harris seconded the motion.

Motion carries unanimously.

Goals – H.L. Hall

MOTION made by Steve Matson: ” … we approve the presented goals and related action steps as amended.” under #2H – “Provide information to members about the use of technology in journalism.” Change word, “Foster” to Support in 4 and , “yet” to , “and”

Seconded by Norma Kneese.

Motion passed unanimously.

Job Descriptions – H.L. Hall

Bradley Wilson needs to write a description for the new Technology Committee.

Write-Offs – H.L. Hall

Oregon members’ proposal: ” … all state winners should be allowed to participate in the national state Write-Offs.”

Jane Blystone said we should offer her support to convince her school to allow students to attend the national Write-Off contests. 13-1 vote to keep contests the same way as they are after discussion.

C:JET Copy Editor – Bradley Wilson

Howard Spanogle has been hired to be the copyeditor for the past year. Bradley Wilson suggests using “contributing editor’s expenses” in budget ($600) to help reimburse Howard.

Endorsement and Partnerships – Steve Matson Linda Puntney said CNN has asked us to·endorse a summer institute for high school students (30 students, 30 advisers from 10 schools) on July 8-13 in CNN headquarters in Atlanta.

MOTION made by Ann Visser: ” … the Journalism Education Association endorse the CNN Student Bureau summer workshop.”

Jane Blystone seconded the motion.

Motion failed. The board needs more information and time to forward the information to our Endorsement and Partnerships Committee. Linda Puntney will contact CNN.

FERPA (Family Education Rights Privacy Act)- John Bowen

Need statement of clarification.

MOTION made by John Bowen: ” … we approve a JEA Statement on FERPA as follows: JEA supports SPLC’s position that FERP A does not apply to student-produced media at any level because reporters are not school officials. Release of names and photos on student publication Web sites are also not a violation of FERPA.”

Seconded by Candace Bowen.

Discussion: FERPA punishes the people who release the information, not the publishing agent.

Motion carries.

Newspaper Association of America (NAA) – Candace Bowen

Ninety-five percent of the respondents to a survey said that instruction to principals regarding prior review was important. The number two concern was scholarships for adviser education.

Web Site – Linda Puntney

If you have information that you would like to have information updated or added, contact graybrent@hotmail.net.

John Bowen requests that we please send articles that have been censored in schools, with explanations from students, advisers and principals. Web site address: JEApressrights.org. or highschooljournalism.org. Bowen is also asking teachers across the country to submit curriculum and lesson plans.

Favorite Teacher – H.L. Hall

$1,250 in budget to bring teacher to the conference and honor him or her. Nominated by a JEA member. H.L. appointed a committee to be headed by Norma Kneese and would include Mary Patrick, Linda Puntney and Candace Bowen, who will report to the board at the Boston fall convention.

Budget – H.L. Hall

Now on a 12-month budget from a 15-month budget: July 1 to June 30.

On page 4, word is “supplement” under 2-26.6.

Colorado state director has requested money to travel and meet with members, and it has been budgeted.

Added $2,000 for Technology committee. May have to refigure budget and talk about the size of the committee.

In 2-48.3, Linda Puntney suggested that although the Student Impact Award is funded externally, that we should add $200 to cover the costs of plaques and mailings.

SPLC liaison is Merle Dieleman, and JEA is paying his way to SPLC Advisory Board meetings.

JEA will have delegates at the NCTE convention, so will use the booth preparation of materials and booth shipping, 2-59.7 and .8.

Norma Kneese said corrections have to be made to page four, 2-28.9 and .10 since four total advisers go to the Advisers Institute for tuition and travel. The amount would now be $2200 for tuition and $2,500 for travel adding $2,000 to the budget.

Page 5, 2-30.4 and .5 should be 2, not 3 conventions.

Change Contributing Editors’ Expenses to read “Contributing Editors’ Stipend,” on page three in 2-23.9.

A total of $2,200 was added to the budget.

H.L. said we should begin asking for donations to JEA from the membership. We are non profit organization, so donations are tax deductible. Susan Tantillo suggested JEA send mailings to the Towley winners and to Lifetime members of the organization, letting them know about donation and planned giving possibilities.

Linda Puntney recognized Julie Dodd’s donation of one scholarship for one adviser to the Adviser Institute. Julie has made this contribution the past three years.

MOTION made by Sylvia Daughtry: ” … we approve the budget as amended.”

Seconded by Candace Bowen.

Motion is passed.


Headquarters update- Linda Puntney

Linda would like the board to review the five-year contract in the board packet.

Julie Dodd suggested we include “server space,” under the Service section. Julie also suggested that we should let Kansas State know how much we appreciate Linda since the atmosphere in the university is changing. Need letters about the services K-State is providing. Linda will provide names and addresses on the listserv.

MOTION made by Carla Harris: “that we affirm our association with Kansas State and endorse in principle a new 5-year contract to have JEA headquartered there with Linda Puntney as executive director.”

Seconded by Candace Bowen.

Motion is passed.


Memberships are up 9%.

Jane Blystone reports that there are 46 new members in the Northeast Region because of free one-year memberships are offered to schools who attend the fall convention in Boston. There are 2,196 total memberships, the highest number in the spring.

Linda H. Chambers is the Tennessee state director. She is a middle school teacher, who started her career in high school.

Vice president Ann Visser reports that there is only one state that currently does not have a director.

Commission Chairs

Norma Kneese introduced Gaylen Isaacs is from Sacred Heart Academy, Honolulu, Hawaii.

Sixteen new CJE, 5 new MJE, plus 29 CJE renewals and 13 MJE renewals have been awarded, according to Certification chair Carla Harris, as of April 5, 2001.

Middle school commission chair Mary Patrick asked the states to identify their middle school members at the state directors’ meeting.

Contest Chair Bernadette Tucker reports 2,400 contestants from 245 schools in the 40 contests. Bernadette recommended money be allotted for Cathy Parks and Alyce McNerney Stanwood to get together during the summer to plan for the Write offs. H.L. Hall said it is provided in the budget. This will be the last convention for Bernadette Tucker and Judy Babb. They have worked as Write-Off committee co-chairs for three years.

Thirty-nine entries for the Journalism Student ofthe Year, which is a tie for the most applications ever received, have been reduced to 13, which will eventually be eliminated to five. At least one student from each region is still in the running, according to Jane Blystone.

Newswire and C:JET

If board members are willing to write an article for C:JET, let Bradley Wilson know. If anyone knows of potential advertisers, let Connie Fulkerson know by filling out the Rate Card/Contract after making an initial contact with the potential advertiser.

Bradley Wilson also announced that SIPA started a new scholarship fund named after Sylvia Daughtry and Betty Morton for a future journalism adviser scholarship at their March convention.

NCTE – Pat Graff

Pat Graff will put on the Web site “How to Write a Proposal for NCTE.” Pat also needs anecdotal information for the recommendation of Mark Goodman for an award.

Scholastic Press Associations- Julie Dodd Julie Dodd encourages someone from your state or regional organization to attend the Scholastic Press Association Meeting.

H.L. Hall had the group review the list of goals and action plans for diversity, based upon the earlier Diversity Training session. Julie Dodd suggested that the multicultural commission members review the notes, and condense the recommended goals and action plans.

Motion: Sylvia Daughtry moved the meeting be adjourned.

Norma Kneese seconded the motion. Motion passed.

The meeting was adjourned at 4:15 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Terry Nelson, JEA Secretary

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