Communication: Journalism Education Today magazine


Communication: Journalism Education Today provides educational perspectives to JEA members on a wide variety of topics, such as teaching/advising issues, scholastic media strategy, pedagogical updates, current journalism research and other professional and technological concerns.


High school journalism educators, from the newest to the most experienced, make up the majority of the 2,500 members of the national Journalism Education Association. A secondary audience includes professionals — college librarians (more than 200 library subscriptions), yearbook printing companies, college journalism education leaders, and state and regional association directors.


Communication: Journalism Education Today promotes lifelong professional learning as the norm and as the expectation for all journalism teachers/advisers.

The quarterly JEA magazine, which is 32 to 48 pages and includes bonus online content, presents articles and packages about reporting, writing, editing, photography, design, typography, trends, advertising, fundraising, public relations and ethical standards as well as articles and packages about technology and pedagogy pertinent for journalism educators. Editors seek articles that value originality, thorough research, knowledgeable sources, fact checking and Associated Press style — all in ways that speak to journalism advisers.

To serve multiple readers and to present a wide range of content, each issue features diverse subject matter. Occasionally, an issue highlights an in-depth consideration that builds on current journalism needs or on JEA activities or programs. Other story packages present personal commentary, photography or page galleries, original educational exercises or feature shorts highlighting technical innovations.

Editor-reviewed content follows Associated Press style.



  • Fall C:JET copy deadline July 19
  • Fall C:JET to members early September
  • Winter C:JET copy deadline Sept. 13
  • Winter C:JET to members late October
  • Spring C:JET copy deadline Dec. 6


  • Spring C:JET to members late February
  • Summer C:JET copy deadline Feb. 21
  • Summer C:JET to members mid-April


JEA members and other journalism professionals may submit original articles and packages as well as photographs and other visuals that advance magazine goals, as described above. Always the goal for writing is a length that is appropriate for the subject and/or the package. Articles are often 1,500 to 3,500 words, but they may be shorter or longer if the subject requires a special length to achieve effective communication. Packages with multiple stories and visuals are also a way to present diverse perspectives and to focus on complex issues.

Writers are encouraged to present new perspectives on subjects that have journalism education appeal. Writers may include quotations from authoritative or pertinent sources, such as professional journalists (broadcasters, photographers, writers, designers and the like), students, advisers, administrators or reputable experts. All copyrighted material and other sources must be properly cited.


Authors are responsible for providing the editor with a color head-and-shoulders photograph of themselves, a short biography (maximum, 100 words) and contact information (mailing address, email address and contact phone numbers). Each author will receive two copies of the finished publication.

C:JET Contact Information

  • Editor • Bradley Wilson, Ph.D., MJE,
  • Copy Editor • Beth Butler
  • JEA Business and Projects Coordinator • Cindy Horchem, Ph.D., CJE
  • Advertising • Lindsay Porter, CJE,, 785-532-5563

Peer-Reviewed Content

call for papers

Communication: Journalism Education Today brought back a peer-reviewed section in the fall of 2014. The peer-reviewed section includes research that quantifies trends, documents theories, identifies characteristics and disseminates information for and about scholastic media and advising.

C:JET prints first-time material only. Articles submitted to other journals for publication may be simultaneously submitted to C:JET. However, if accepted to C:JET, other submissions must be withdrawn.

If accepted, the author will be asked to produce supplementary materials, possibly including handouts and other material for classroom use.


The manuscript should be no more than 4,000 words long (excluding tables, charts, graphs and endnotes). An abstract of no more than 100 words must accompany each submission. Author identification should appear only on the title page and should include academic rank or professional title, applicable university, departmental affiliation and a short, two- to five-sentence bio.


Each manuscript should be submitted as an attachment to the editor, Bradley Wilson, Ph.D., ( Manuscripts should be submitted in Microsoft Word format and double-spaced.


Use Chicago author-date style —


Papers will undergo blind peer review. Those selected for publication will then enter the editorial publication process. All authors will receive comments from qualified reviewers electronically within three weeks.

Refereed articles that are rejected may be resubmitted for the non-refereed section of C:JET and will be considered if appropriate.

EBSCOhost Education Source


For researchers and others with library access to magazine databases, C:JET magazine is available in the EBSCOhost Education Source beginning in 2005. 

In the summer of 2021, JEA began creating a database of all articles published since 1998. This database will include the information needed for a proper citation: authors, title, volume, issue, date, keywords.

This database will be online in some form in the fall of 2021.

After that database is published, JEA will link it to PDF files of individual articles. This would be in the members-only portion of the JEA website. Articles will be able to be downloaded and printed, but not modified. This should be complete by the end of the summer 2022.

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