JEA maintains its commitment to scholastic journalism education and continues to provide affordable membership to give media advisers access to resources and programs to improve their teaching, advising and professional development.

JEA continually evaluates its benefits and resources to best serve members. Recent enhancements include a website redesign, a new membership management system, adding and updating lesson plans in the curriculum resources, adding searchable C:JET archives and expanding JEA programs to serve underrepresented populations.

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Member benefits


JEA has created lesson plans — nearly 200 weeks’ worth — across 11 content areas, complete with learning outcomes, assessments, evaluation guides, models and alignment to standards including the Common Core and Partnership for 21st Century Skills.


Qualified instructors may earn Certified Journalism Educator status through JEA. Certification validates an adviser’s credibility as a journalism teacher and recognizes their commitment to journalistic training. Master Journalism Educator status recognizes teachers who demonstrate outstanding abilities and expertise in the journalism field through a test and a written project. A certification directory is provided to recipients and their principals.


Members receive subscriptions to the quarterly journal Communication: Journalism Education Today, often called C:JET, in hard copy by postal mail. JEA also provides an online directory to all current members.


In conjunction with the National Scholastic Press Association, JEA hosts two national conventions each year. At the conventions, JEA offers competitions for students in nearly 50 categories, a National Journalism Quiz Bowl, certification testing, nearly 300 instructional sessions and many other activities for teachers and students.


JEA recognizes teachers, administrators and professionals who make a significant contribution to scholastic journalism. The Carl Towley Award, Medal of Merit, Lifetime Achievement Awards, Administrator of the Year, Linda S. Puntney Teacher Inspiration Award, Diversity Award, Rising Star, Candace and John Bowen Adviser First Amendment Leadership Award and Friend of Scholastic Journalism are presented annually. The H.L. Hall National High School Yearbook Adviser of the Year is honored at the spring convention and Broadcast Adviser of the Year is recognized in the fall.

JEA Advisers Institute

Whether you are a new adviser looking for basic survival tips or a veteran seeking help rejuvenating a program — or yourself — the summer Advisers Institute has the answer. In a challenging, hands-on atmosphere, JEA offers instruction in technology, law and ethics, and advising student publications. Participants may earn 22 clock hours or 2.2 CEU. Members receive a reduced registration rate to attend.

JEA Forum

A online community forum is available to members. It’s a useful tool for networking, sharing resources and getting insight from others who advise student media.

JEA Store

The JEA Store offers members books, posters, shirts and other items helpful for teaching journalism and advising student publications. You may order by mail or online throughout the year or visit our exhibit at NHSJC national conventions.

Mentoring Program

Members needing advice or help with teaching journalism and advising student media may ask to be paired with a veteran teacher/adviser to mentor them.

NCTE Assembly

All JEA members are also members of the Assembly for Advisers of Student Publications, the largest assembly of National Council of Teachers of English. Meetings are held at NCTE national conventions.

Membership levels and annual dues

Become a member today

Level up your classroom with access to 100+ resources and various educational opportunities. Plus, get connected to a network of education professionals throughout the country.

Photo of a an adviser and student looking at a newsmagazine together