JEA 100: 1924-2024

JEA’s centennial is a unique and significant opportunity for the association to articulate its remarkable trajectory — unparalleled in scholastic media education. The celebration will deepen understanding of JEA’s history, inspire pride in the past and elevate the organization’s unique identity and characteristics in order to strengthen the association for its future.

Visit the centennial website

JEA celebrates our community, our legacy and our future with a special site honoring the JEA Centennial. Each week, we’ll feature new centennial content, such as installments to our 100 lists of 100 series.

While JEA has centennial activities and programs planned throughout 2024, the in-person celebration will take place in Kansas City during the JEA/NSPA National High School Journalism Convention. Read more

Centennial celebrations have begun. Learn how you can take part in activities and events all year long. Read more

A team of 24 volunteers began planning in May and will continue to meet remotely to coordinate details related to a JEA 100 website, promotional efforts, convention festivities, member giveaways, contests, activities and a series of state and national proclamations. Read more

Share a thank-you note to special people who have supported you and traveled with you on your journalism educator journey. $10 per message. Read more

The JEA Centennial committee needs your help collecting historic JEA and scholastic journalism photos. Share photos from your classroom, national conventions or other JEA events.

Participating in the 100 Hours of Service Journalism Project is a great way to use your skills to help someone else, unite your staff through collaboration and teamwork and earn positive recognition for your staff and your school. Learn more

JEA connects more than 2,700 members with the tools to build stronger journalism classrooms. Contribute to this vibrant community’s future by donating any amount.

JEA is launching an endowment to serve diverse groups, including our members and their students, to support our association’s mission and long-term goals, including to contribute to scholarships. Learn more

As JEA celebrates its centennial, we aim to showcase members in a variety of ways and highlight individuals or groups on a special centennial website. One area of the site will present short clips members record and submit. Learn more

3 superior rankings awarded in JEA Centennial student media contest.

View winners

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