What is the purpose of your student publication?

Pie graphic with the elements of a student media mission statement. The graphic has a sand background. The pie sections are in shades of JEA purple and red. It contains the JEA logo in the lower right corner. The text headline reads "What is the purpose of your student publication?" The pie sections read, "Audience Engagement," "Journalistic Responsibility," "Reporting Basics," "Ethical Reporting & Editing," Student-determined Content," "Diversity of Ideas & Representation," "Platform Consistency," and "School Mission Connection."

Developing student-led mission statements and a culture covering stories that matter can serve both school and local communities. By Tom McHale Many years ago, I was confronted by an angry parent after a long production meeting. She felt her daughter, an editor, spent too much time working on the paper. “This isn’t the New York…

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