Board approves online certification testing fee, obituary policy and commitment to diversity in Nov. 13 meeting
By Sarah Nichols, MJE, president
The Journalism Education Association board of directors met online Nov. 13, 2021, via Zoom in line with the fall timeline connected to the JEA/NSPA National High School Journalism Convention.
Reports included updates about National Student Media Contests from Nancy Smith, MJE, and a headquarters report from Executive Director Kelly Glasscock, CJE. The board also approved the association’s IRS 990 draft based on research and discussions conducted throughout the month of October.
Leaders engaged in discussion about possible sponsorship of the Journalist of the Year Sister Rita Jeanne Abicht Scholarships. Coordinator Joe Humphrey, MJE, asked board members to explore connections with media outlets, universities and industry partners.
“Our Journalist of the Year scholarships honor incredible student journalists, and we would like to both sustain and grow the Journalist of the Year competition with the help of a presenting sponsor,” Humphrey said. “We are seeking a media or academic partner interested in underwriting the awards or supporting an endowment that provides long-term stability for the Journalist of the Year program.”
In new business, the board approved 6-1 a motion by Certification Chair Amy Sorrell, MJE, to establish an online testing fee of $25, in addition to the application fee, to compensate proctors for their time. Remote testing has been utilized during the pandemic and will continue to be available when in-person testing resumes with the spring convention.
“I especially want members to know that CJE and MJE testing will continue online. This certainly will allow for our members who aren’t able to travel to conventions to challenge themselves with a professional certification and prove their highly qualified status in the classroom,” Vice President Val Kibler, MJE, said.
In other business, the board approved 7-0 to adopt an obituary policy and 7-0 a commitment to diversity, motions introduced by President Sarah Nichols, MJE.
The meeting adjourned at 12:37 p.m. Unofficial minutes are available for member access (login required) and will be considered for board approval at the next meeting, April 7, 2022, in Los Angeles.
Lindsay Porter