The Journalism Education Association board of directors will meet Thursday, Nov. 6, 2014, at 8 a.m. in room Wilson AB at the Marriott Wardman Park in Washington, D.C.

Click here to download a PDF of the board packet including the agenda and supporting materials.

Journalism Education Association Board Meeting
Thursday, Nov. 6, 2014 • 8 a.m.
Wilson A-B • Marriott Wardman Park

  1. Call to order — Mark Newton (8 a.m.)
  2. Appointment of secretary — Mark Newton
  3. Roll call and determination of quorum
  4. Reading of notice of meeting
  5. Approval of minutes
  6. Affirmation of electronic votes
    1. Endorse the joint statement supporting Neshaminy High School student publications. (passed 7-0, May 4, 2014)
    2. Endorse the New Voices Act proposed by North Dakota educators for the 2015 legislative session. (passed 7-0, May 4, 2014)
    3. Resolution to sign the July 7 letter advocating reporter access to federal staff. (passed 6-0, June 30, 2014)
    4. Resolution endorsing the National News Engagement Day and encouraging JEA members to participate. (passed 6-0, Oct. 1, 2014)
  7. Approval of agenda
  8. Commendations
    1. Connie Fulkerson, (1) magazine editing and (2) awards committee support
    2. Rebecca Pollard, Journalist of the Year work
    3. Priscilla Frost, Write-offs efforts
  9. Reports (9 a.m.)
    1. Conventions — Kelly Furnas
    2. Write-offs — Nancy Smith
    3. Headquarters — Kelly Furnas
    4. Curriculum — Sarah Nichols
    5. Certification — Kim Green
  10. Old business (1 p.m.)
    1. Certification Poynter project — Kim Green
    2. Convention hotel options — Kelly Furnas
  11. New business
    1. Mentoring proposal — Linda Barrington
    2. Bylaw proposal — Megan Fromm
    3. Approval of 990 — Kelly Furnas
    4. Convention proposal, fall 2018 — Kelly Furnas
    5. JEA/NSPA joint operating agreement — Kelly Furnas
  12. Adjournment (2:30 p.m.)


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