Agenda for Nov. 6, 2014, board of directors meeting
October 7, 2014
The Journalism Education Association board of directors will meet Thursday, Nov. 6, 2014, at 8 a.m. in room Wilson AB at the Marriott Wardman Park in Washington, D.C.
Click here to download a PDF of the board packet including the agenda and supporting materials.
Journalism Education Association Board Meeting
Thursday, Nov. 6, 2014 • 8 a.m.
Wilson A-B • Marriott Wardman Park
- Call to order — Mark Newton (8 a.m.)
- Appointment of secretary — Mark Newton
- Roll call and determination of quorum
- Reading of notice of meeting
- Approval of minutes
- Affirmation of electronic votes
- Endorse the joint statement supporting Neshaminy High School student publications. (passed 7-0, May 4, 2014)
- Endorse the New Voices Act proposed by North Dakota educators for the 2015 legislative session. (passed 7-0, May 4, 2014)
- Resolution to sign the July 7 letter advocating reporter access to federal staff. (passed 6-0, June 30, 2014)
- Resolution endorsing the National News Engagement Day and encouraging JEA members to participate. (passed 6-0, Oct. 1, 2014)
- Approval of agenda
- Commendations
- Connie Fulkerson, (1) magazine editing and (2) awards committee support
- Rebecca Pollard, Journalist of the Year work
- Priscilla Frost, Write-offs efforts
- Reports (9 a.m.)
- Conventions — Kelly Furnas
- Write-offs — Nancy Smith
- Headquarters — Kelly Furnas
- Curriculum — Sarah Nichols
- Certification — Kim Green
- Old business (1 p.m.)
- Certification Poynter project — Kim Green
- Convention hotel options — Kelly Furnas
- New business
- Mentoring proposal — Linda Barrington
- Bylaw proposal — Megan Fromm
- Approval of 990 — Kelly Furnas
- Convention proposal, fall 2018 — Kelly Furnas
- JEA/NSPA joint operating agreement — Kelly Furnas
- Adjournment (2:30 p.m.)