Journalism Education Association Board Meeting
Nov. 13, 2021 • 10 a.m. Central
I. Call to order — Sarah Nichols (10 a.m.)
II. Roll call and determination of quorum
III. Reading of notice of meeting
IV. Approval of minutes — Sarah Nichols
V. Affirmation of electronic votes — Sarah Nichols
A. Motion to approve fall convention rates for fall NHSJC in Philadelphia
(passed 6-0, May 1, 2021)
B. Motion to fund executive director search
(passed 7-0, Aug. 9, 2021)
C. Motion to approve 2023 Advisers Institute contract
(passed 7-0, Sept. 23, 2021)
D. Motion to approve Philadelphia Marriott negotiations
(passed 7-0, Sept. 23, 2021)
E. Motion to approve fall convention rates for online NHSJC
(passed 7-0, Sept. 23, 2021)
VI. Approval of agenda — Sarah Nichols
VII. Commendations — Sarah Nichols
A. Louisa Avery — Sarah Nichols
B. Bradley Wilson — Sarah Nichols
C. Brenda Field — Sarah Nichols
D. Kate Dubiel — Sarah Nichols
VIII. Reports
A. National Student Media Contests — Nancy Smith
B. National Scholastic Press Association — Laura Widmer
C. Conventions — Kelly Glasscock
D. Headquarters — Kelly Glasscock
1. Documentation of subsequent events
IX. New business
A. Approval of 990 — Sarah Nichols
B. Journalist of the Year sponsorship — Joe Humphrey
C. CJE/MJE online testing — Amy Sorrell
D. Obituary policy — Sarah Nichols
IIX. Adjournment
Lindsay Porter