Journalism Education Association Board Meeting
April 4, 2024 – 8 a.m., Kansas City
Sheraton in Empire B (Luncheon in Empire C)
I. Call to order – Val Kibler, MJE
II. Roll call and determination of quorum – Cindy Horchem, CJE
III. Reading of Notice of Meeting – Horchem
IV. Approval of minutes – Kibler
V. Approval of agenda – Kibler
VI. Affirmation of electronic votes – Kibler
VII. Commendations – Kibler
A. Nancy Smith, MJE, given by Bradley Wilson, MJE
B.Sarah Nichols, MJE, given by Val Kibler, MJE
C. Kelly Furnas, MJE, given by Sarah Nichols, MJE, and Val Kibler, MJE
D. Bradley Wilson, MJE, and Mark Murray, MJE, given by Val Kibler
E. Justin Daigle, MJE, Sarah Nichols, MJE, Margie Raper, MJE, Michelle Balmeo, MJE, Katrina Berry-Ivy, A.J. Chambers, MJE given by Val Kibler
F. DJ Far, given by Nancy Smith
G. Andrea Negri and Morgan Bricker given by Kristin Taylor
H. Jim Streisel, MJE, given by Justin Daigle
I. Tom Gayda given by Justin Daigle
J. Lindsay Porter, CJE, given by Veronica Purvis
K. State Directors Listed Below given by Justin Daigle
- Jessica Hunziker, MJE, Colorado
- David Rasgdale, MJE, Georgia
- Heather Nagel, CJE, Tennessee
- Katie Fernandez, Illinois
- Bretton Zinger, MJE, Massachusetts
- Marsha Kalkowski MJE, Nebraska
- Tim Cain CJE, New Hampshire
- Brian Eriksen, CJE, Oregon
- Lisa Roskens, Texas
- Stacey Allen, Vermont
- Mary Stapp, Washington DC
- Morgan Bricker, MJE, West Virginia
- Matt Smith, Wisconsin
- Anne Hayman, MJE, Washington
- Phillip Caston, MJE, South Carolina
VIII. Reports
1. National Student Media Contests – Nancy Smith, MJE
B. C:JET – Bradley Wilson, MJE
C. Certification – Amy Sorrell, MJE
D. Semiannual report for the board – Justin Daigle, MJE
E. Diversity – Sergio Yanes, MJE
F. Conventions – Veronica Purvis
G. Headquarters – Purvis
H. Centennial – Kibler
I. Website update – Kate Manfull
J. NSPA – Laura Widmer
K. Social media report – Lindsay Porter, CJE
IX. New Business
A. Motion to add an item to Bylaw Article IV, Section 2 – Smith
B. MOTION: For presentation to the Board at the fall 2024 convention, JEA headquarters staff and the C:JET editor will research and recommend a plan for a contract with an outside company to sell ads including online ads and C:JET ads. – Wilson
C. MOTION: For presentation to the Board at the fall 2024 convention, JEA headquarters staff and the C:JET editor will develop a plan for selling ads to colleges and universities. – Wilson
C. MOTION: The JEA Board will establish prior to the fall 2024 convention, a social media team charged with (a) developing a calendar for social media posts on official JEA social media; and (b) posting relevant, timely and accurate information on JEA official social media. – Wilson
D. MOTION: The JEA Board will establish, prior to the fall 2024 convention, a web team charged with (a) developing guidelines for updating JEA’s official website, jea.org; and (b) posting relevant, timely and accurate information on that website. – Wilson
E. 1:30 p.m. Stan and Karl presentation for Diversity program
F. Approval of 2024-2025 Budget – Purvis
G. Status of JEA HQ agreement at K-State
H. Creation of How-to Guides for all Committee Chairs
I. End of term
X. Adjournment
XII. JEA Power Hour