View today’s front pages in Newseum app

Screenshots of today's front pages on Newseum app

Newseum offers a mobile app for viewing today’s front pages.

Many of us have already discovered Newseum’s very cool “Today’s Front Pages” feature on its website. The web app is a database of PDF images of front pages from around the world, offering readers a big picture view of news for any given day. It’s a particularly cool teaching tool on days when big news happens, like the recent solar eclipse.

Recently, though, I discovered that the Newseum also offers the feature in an IOS and Android app as well, and the mobile version has lots of impressive features:

  • Users can allow geolocation so you can see the participating newspapers near you.
  • By selecting U.S. or World from the bottom menu, you’ll get a display of thumbnails that you can select and enlarge, and you can swipe right or left to quickly look through them.
  • The app gives you the ability to save favorites, which I use to see some of the papers from places I’ve lived as well as a few of the papers that I go to regularly for design inspiration.

In some ways, I think the whole thing is actually easier to navigate in the app than it is on the website, so you could plug your phone into your computer at school and display it for students there, as well.

The app is available in the iTunes store, and you can find more info on the Newseum website.

Written By: Michelle Balmeo