Make editing your Adobe After Effects lower thirds graphics easier for staffers with this tutorial

I’ve had video editors work in Adobe After Effects for the last few years. It’s mostly been to develop branded lower thirds for their videos. They would create the lower thirds in After Effects and then train staffers on how to go into After Effects to change the name and the title on the lower thirds and then export it to use in Adobe Premiere.

There’s actually a much easier way to change these lower thirds in Adobe Premiere once things have been created in After Effects.

Here’s a tutorial I shared with my staff from the Adobe site that they found super helpful. Essentially, you create your lower third, or any other type of graphic, in Adobe After Effects, created some editable containers, and then export it for use in Adobe Premiere. Staffers can even import it into the Graphics Panel in Adobe Premiere for easy access.

Here’s the link to Adobe with information to show you how.

Written By: Aaron Manfull