What is your name?
Deborah Barnes
What school do you teach at?
Sabin-Schellenberg Professional Center
What city and state is your school located in?
Milwaukie, Oregon
What different media are produced at the school?
Educational Access Channel, Streaming Radio Station, Online Student Newspaper for District – You can find links to the program here.
How many students are involved at the media program at your school?
Describe your space for us.
We have a state of the art television station, a radio station control room, and two classrooms that also have Virtual Reality equipment.
What do you think are some of the benefits of the workspace you all have?
We give students the option to learn everything from radio broadcasting, television broadcasting, podcasting, online newspaper stations, recording booths, and a space for Virtual Reality.
What do your students like most about the workspace you have?
My students have the ability to work individually and as team members using technology to learn to write and produce news.
What computer programs and/or apps is your staff using on a regular basis for their work?
Final Cut, Garageband, Broadcast Pix, SNO for Journalism, DragonFrame for Animation.
What tech equipment are your students using on a daily basis?
Canon SLR cameras, Apple computers, Sennheiser Microphones, and HD Studio Cameras. We have a substantial green screen in studio and in a classroom.
Aside from the computers and the programs, what are one or two pieces of equipment that you have that you think other programs should have.
Broadcast Pix switcher for studio productions
How is your workspace funded?
CTE state funding, district funding, and Cable PEG funding (150K) annually.
Do you have anything on your wishlist for your space? If so, what do you have and why?
I’m blessed so the only addition would be a dedicated space for props.
(This is one of a series of posts where high school newsrooms are showcased. We’d love to showcase your newsroom on the site. To find out how, check out the information here and submit yours today.)
Written By: Aaron Manfull