ihigh.com is an alternative CMS for news website start-ups

Ihigh.com Mobile app

Ihigh.com is available as a mobile app.

More than 4,000 high school news programs who have used the free my.hsj.org to develop an online news presence will need to find an affordable content management system (CMS) by Sept. 15, 2013.

According to the site created by the American Society of News Editors (ASNE) and funded by the Knight Foundation, “We’ve enjoyed helping thousands of schools develop an online media presence these past 12 years. But because technology and times have changed, we will discontinue my.hsj.org as of September 15, 2013.

“We encourage you to continue your online news publication, and we’re here to help during this transition. If you have any questions or need help in learning how to continue your student news publication online, contact Le Anne Wiseman atlwiseman@asne.org or 573-884-2689 or Megan Schumacher at mschumacher@asne.org or 573-882-3792.”

There are many affordable paid themes in Word Press, and other subscription CMS services like School Newspapers Online, but ihigh.com was mentioned on the JEA email listserve as a free alternative mentioned at this summers Reynold’s Journalism Institute.

“Our broadcast teacher uses it (the ihgih platform) and loves it,” said Christine Mooney, Director of Instructional Technology Teacher and Yearbook Adviser for Monsignor Donovan High School in Toms River, N.J.  “Here is our school site.”





Written By: Michelle Harmon