Free webinar series for producing better K-12 education videos

The power of video is dominating online creation and consumption. “One-third of online activity is spent watching videos” and “over half of video content is viewed on mobile (devices),” according to Wordstream’s research in their recent article, 37 Staggering Video Marketing Statistics for 2018.

As a result, I have partnered with SchoolTube University to create a series of free webinars designed to help you and your students create better videos. These webinars will be hosted on and

In this first webinar, SchoolTube University and I discussed:

* How to tell a story using video.

* Lighting & recording techniques that can make videos shine.

* Tools and techniques for creating and editing videos on a smartphone.

* The importance of video composition.

If you would like free video curriculum or resources, visit my website and look under the Published and Resources pages.

The next SchoolTube University webinar “How to Create a Video-Based Morning Announcement Program” will air in September. Stay tuned to for more information. 


Written By: Don Goble