At the start of the 2021 academic year, I accepted the position of Multimedia Communications Adviser at Las Vegas Academy of the Arts, a position that includes developing multimedia communications as a major course of study and advising both journalism and publications courses. I soon realized that I was in a bit over my head and enrolled in Kent State University’s graduate program in journalism education. So far, I’ve completed courses in advising student media, advising yearbook, and news literacy, and I cannot emphasize enough how valuable I have found this program. The instructors are top educators in our field, personable and professional, and despite the online format, the sense of community is strong. I am also grateful for my administration’s support as I go through this process. I wish all educators could be so fortunate.
As the culminating project for the course in yearbook advising, Professor Sarah Nichols gave us three options, one of which was to design our own project that fits our current needs. Last year our social media accounts were haphazardly maintained and most posts were created by me. This year I have a student serving as our Social Media Manager, and with her at the helm, we are working on branding and having a consistent and professional presence. For my culminating project, I created a step-by-step guide to creating a social media calendar. Some items are particular to my situation and I have highlighted those in orange. Links are in blue. I hope that some fellow advisers find this document useful. Please feel free to contact me at with questions, suggestions and/or feedback.
You can view the step-by-step guide I created here: Creating a Social Media Calendar.
Written By: Elizabeth Strehl