Virtual & Hybrid Teaching
The JEA Curriculum Initiative team is providing these resources outside of the members-only curriculum area, and in coordination with the anywhereJEA initiative, to support journalism advisers teaching in virtual or hybrid context.
Resources posted to this page will remain available while this initiative is active, including self-directed lessons, instructional videos, professional development sessions through Zoom and other similar content. These resources will be added to this page as they become available.
Zoom-in discussions
These 40-minute curriculum sessions address how JEA can help teachers adapt in a virtual or hybrid teaching context. Educational Initiatives Director Shari Adwers, MJE, and Curriculum Coordinators Megan Fromm, MJE, and Abri Nelson May, CJE, facilitated discussions to support advisers and make suggestions for how they can use JEA resources flexibly, regardless of teaching situation or learning environment.
Creating a game plan for 2020-21 (a walk-through of new JEA resources)
Creating a game plan for yearbook (Q & A with adviser panel)
Recording | Chat
Creating a game plan for newspaper, broadcast or online (Q & A with adviser panel)
Recording | Chat
Team building (session 1)
Recording | Chat | Resources
Team building (session 2)
Recording | Chat | Resources
Team building (session 3)
Recording | Chat | Resources
Adjusting staff and safety policies (Q & A with Matthew Schott, CJE)
Recording | Resources
Flipping the broadcast classroom (Q & A with April van Buren, MJE)
Recording | Resources
Self-directed lessons
The curriculum team is currently developing a set of self-directed lessons that will be posted as they are finished. These lessons are intended to be used by students for self-paced learning in a virtual or hybrid format. They are posted below as view-only Google docs, so you are encouraged to copy them and add them to your own personal Google Drive in order to use and adapt. While we encourage you to use and/or adapt these for posting in your own LMS (e.g. Schoology, Canvas, Google Classroom), we kindly ask that you not post these on a personal website.
Please view the “about these lessons” video below for a brief overview of how these lessons are constructed and ideas for how to implement them. You can also watch this video that gives suggestions for using these lessons within Google Classroom.
About these self-directed lessons:
Role of journalism: A brief introduction to the important role journalism plays as a recorder of historical events.
Slideshow | Student handout | Teacher key
First Amendment: A brief introduction to the five freedoms of the First Amendment, unprotected speech and student press rights
Slideshow | Student handout | Teacher key
SPJ Code of Ethics: A brief introduction to the provisions of the SPJ Code of Ethics and ethical decision-making.
Slideshow | Student handout | Teacher key
News values: A brief introduction to what makes a story newsworthy.
Slideshow | Student handout | Teacher key
Story types: A brief introduction to the four story types (news, features, sports, opinion) with sub-type examples and how a journalist makes decisions about which story type to choose.
Slideshow | Student handout | Teacher key
The return of the inverted pyramid: A brief introduction to this format and why it works well for online.
Slideshow | Student handout | Teacher key
News lead writing: A brief introduction to the summary news lead, perfect for traditional and breaking news stories.
Slideshow | Student handout | Teacher key
Feature lead writing: A brief introduction to writing feature leads.
Slideshow | Student handout | Teacher key
Interviewing basics: A brief introduction to planning, writing questions for, conducting and transcribing an interview.
Slideshow | Student handout | Teacher key
Quote formatting and attribution: A brief introduction to the role of quotes in stories and how to format them correctly.
Slideshow | Student handout | Teacher key
Photo composition: A brief introduction to the basic rules of photo composition and how they can enhance images.
Slideshow | Student handout | Teacher key
Caption writing: A brief introduction to writing informative captions for all publications.
Slideshow | Student handout | Teacher key
LQTQ stories: A brief introduction to this user-friendly story format.
(Note: This slideshow embeds practice questions, so there is no handout. This link will force you to make a copy before viewing. Sharing this link with students will also force them to make their own copy as intended. Or, you can post to Google classroom and use the “make a copy for every student” selection.)
Newstown: This documentary about the closing of Youngstown, Ohio’s only daily newspaper was created as a part of the Local News Initiative at Medill at Northwestern University and covers the closing of the paper, the impact on the town and the efforts to fill in the void afterward.
Newstown Video Guide | TEACHER GUIDE Newstown Video Guide
Instructional video resources
Our partner organizations have curated countless videos advisers can view and use with their students in instructional settings.
Ball State University’s Journalism Workshop YouTube channel
Indiana High School Press Association’s YouTube “convention” channel
Virginia Association of Journalism Teachers and Advisers Multimedia Championship Digital Resources