Worth checking out

Some current story ideas and resources worth checking out:

• The Society of Professional Journalists dedicates its Fall issue of its journal, Quill, to Freedom of Information.  This year’s FOI issue can be accessed for free at:   Fall 2013 FOI issue of Quill

• A New York Times article on schools watching student use of the Internet outside school:

• How night you be able to localize (or would you want to) this policy statement from the American Academy of Pediatrics:

Teaching Journalism Ethics: a resource for scholastic media advisers: This set of lessons and activities about teaching ethical decision-making is by Maggie Cogar as part of her master’s degree.

• Check out the new, online version of The Principal’s Guide to Scholastic Journalism from Quill and Scroll.

• Ethics, a compilation of resources from SchoolJournalism.org.

• A new blog from Poynter, The Ethics Blog, is outlined in this Poynter article.

• A story to localize: what is bullying? Is it the newest way to get around Tinker?


Written By: John Bowen