Sometimes adversity can be a blessing in disguise. At least that is the point SaraRose Martin, co-editor of Fauquier High School’s The Falconer published May 8.
In a column, Martin said administrative censorship helped her learn she had rights and how political the world is.
“I learned how much I believe in free speech and the significance of fighting for it,” she wrote.
The article that drew administrative censorship was coverage of “dabbing,” a term for smoking a concentrated form of marijuana. An opinion piece about censorship of the story can be found here. The dabbing article can be found here. An SPLC article on the censorship can be found here.
Martin also published two additional articles May 8, on the school’s prior review policies and her view of its limitations and the other examining prior review as an extension of curriculum.
Martin’s passion over the importance of unreviewed and unrestrained scholastic journalism is evident throughout the articles.
Also evident is the importance of strong editorial policies as well as student media being forums for student expression.
Reflect on the articles and the passion behind them. Then do everything you can to ensure strong editorial policies prevent the interruption of student learning evident here.