Want a good lesson plan? Me, too!
Whenever someone posts of the JEAHELP listserv, ” I need a lesson plan for ______ (fill in the blank with just about anything),” you can be sure someone will post, “Me, too.” There’s no shortage of need for good ways to help students learn.
But all lesson plans aren’t created equal so if you want something with lots of detail lasting several days or more and tied to the Common Core — or to your state standards, look elsewhere. (Or in this blog later in the week).
If you want something to use during Scholastic Journalism Week (or later) as a bell ringer — a short discussion or activity to use right when class starts — here you go. These are all related to student rights — the first four about filters — the Children’s Internet Privacy Act (CIPA) and the fifth is about the First Amendment itself. And if YOU have good short lesson plans, send them along. Others want them, and I do, too! cbowen@kent.edu
- CIPA and your school
- CIPA and what gets block
- CIPA and unblocking
- CIPA and a potentially positive new Missouri court ruling
- 45words and the Five freedoms
Next, Look for information on a recent Missouri court decision about Internet filters and viewpoint discrimination
Written By: John Bowen