#SJW11: Blog posts from advisers, pros on important topics

I teach an master’s level online course called Social Role of the Media which examines social responsibility of scholastic media. The course is based around the book Elements of Journalism and the 1947 Hutchins Commission’s call for media to maintain  a “social role” as one of its main goals.

I require each of the students, who are scholastic media teachers, commercial journalists and those seeking teaching positions at the scholastic and collegiate levels, to post a blog each week related to course discussions.

Since their work reflects current issues and discussions, especially those important to Scholastic Journalism Week, I asked if I could post a link to their blogs, especially their latest discussion.

Here are links; check them out. Give them comments. I think you will find what they say enlightening:

Lori King                        http://lking17.blogspot.com

Kate Klonowski         http://rollingsocial.blogspot.com/

Andrew Christopulos http://apcmedia-andrew.blogspot.com/

Judy Stringer         http://judystringer.wordpress.com/

Trevor Ivan                        http://trevorivan.wordpress.com/

Chris Waugaman            http://waug.tumblr.com

Marina Hendricks         http://marinahendricks.blogspot.com/

Jeff Kocur                  http://whyweneedjournalists.blogspot.com/

Traci Hale Brown            http://tracihalebrown.tumblr.com/

Dino Orsatti                  http://dino1105.wordpress.com/

Written By: John Bowen