Fallout from the 2020 election expands into a second impeachment trial. Mobs attack the Capital raising charges of unAmerican activity and sedition. Questions of whether not wearing masks and large groups partying extend our national pain of a nearly year-old pandemic.
It is certain scholastic media will address plenty of issues. Just recently Facebook and other digital media addressed questions about obsolescence of objectivity: Could it be obsolete? What does that mean for the emergence of advocacy reporting? Could media roles change? Should they?
Questions concern revision of ethical standards: to reflect guidelines that apply to the newest tools journalists use.
Questions would tackle takedown of published information and the potential impact of deleting historical memory.
Underlying discussions of principles and standards are questions of truth and how to confirm it; of information verification and source credibility.
Because questions don’t always have one definable answer, the SPRC offers lessons, activities and articles on these issues sharing context, transparency and ethical models for your consideration.
Discussion and critically examining journalistic guidelines and long-standing norms is as important for the scholastic communities as for the commercial media.
If some of this information is useful, please share your ideas and work with us.
We offer two types of links and discussion materials:
• Links about takedown demands and concept of the right to be forgotten
• Links concerning journalism issues in the news
Background on relevant discussions
• Boston Globe launches ‘fresh start’ initiative
Takedown demands | Right to be forgotten | Related
Journalistic elements in the news
In Parkland, journalism students take on role of reporter and survivor