Prepare for Free Speech Week,
Oct. 17-23


freespeechweek_logo_mainFree Speech Week (FSW) runs Oct. 17-23, and JEA’s Scholastic Press Rights Committee (SPRC) urges you to honor this cornerstone of democracy by participating either through activities shared by Free Speech Week, ones the SPRC developed or by ones your and your students created.

Free Speech Week (FSW) is a yearly event to raise public awareness of the importance of free speech in our democracy – and to celebrate that freedom. As freedom of speech is a right all Americans share, this non-partisan, non-ideological event is intended to be a unifying celebration.

JEA is a partnering organization.

To prepare for FSW, we urge all student media programs to check out the following FSW links now::

  • Examine the resources available at
  • Link to and display the FSW badge on your digital media; download the FSW logo
  • Consider the organization’s lesson plans as listed here
  • Consider becoming a partnering organization through your school or student media. See the FSW for details
  • Plan to help your communities know more about what free speech isand how they can extend its benefits

Additionally, as FSW draws closer, we will share SPRC original or extended activities based on those listed on the FSW site through the listserv and/or on our website at

Check out the site, plan your celebration activities and honor the free speech that makes this country special.


Written By: John Bowen