Noteworthy information 8: Check out the new SPLC site
Just in time for the start of classes, the Student Press Law Center unveiled its new website today.
“This morning, after a year of groundwork,” SPLC director Frank LoMonte said in a press release, “we flipped the switch on a greatly upgraded site that is designed to be more modern-looking and easier to navigate, with enhanced educational content that you can put to use in your classroom, your newsroom and your studio. We hope that you will pay special attention to the new Classroom Resources section, which puts in one place the handouts, lesson plans, instructional videos, podcasts and PowerPoints that can aid in your teaching (and learning) of current media-law topics.”
Check out the new site. You will be impressed.
And, as you and your students take in the range of content, click on the “donate” links. It’s the best way to start off a new year and keep this valuable service healthy and active.
Written By: John Bowen