More resources for
alternative facts, fake news

With the events surrounding Inauguration Day comes a new journalistic concept, alternative facts. As we teach our students to be aware of fake news and now alternate facts, check out some additional resources that might lead to lessons and activities that rebuild trust in journalists – and journalism.

Kellyanne Conway says Donald Trump’s team has ‘alternative facts.’ Which pretty much says it all
Student journalists especially vulnerable to Trump’s press-as-enemy rhetoric
Don’t let Trump get away with ‘alternative facts’
• What does a news organization optimized for trust look like

And, as a lead-in to JEA’s One Book reading for this this spring, 1984:
George Orwell on ‘alternative facts’

The links take you to our other posts to identify and combat varieties of fake news.:

Censored news is fake news
Addressing issues involved in fake news
Our tasks for the future: Building a Tool Kit of Trust, Integrity

Censored news, including that created by prior-review limited outlets and insistence on alternative “facts,” leads to distortion and misinformation.

That is something we must address through leadership, enlightened publication and community education.






Written By: John Bowen