Make history come alive by interviewing local veterans
Beginning today, the JEA SPRC Making a Difference Project will feature a student publication each month featuring work of scholastic journalists that has made a difference in their schools and in their communities. This is the first in a ten-part series. All upcoming posts for the Making a Difference project were published during the 2013-2014 school year.
The Bagpiper staff at Freeman High School in Rockford, Wash. developed a story package that required interviewing of many local veterans and prepped them for publication on Veteran’s Day. In this package the staff as well as students in their school paid tribute to various branches of the military and individual members of the local veterans groups.
According to adviser Pia Longinotti, “My staff created a special edition honoring Freeman’s military members. Distributed at our Veteran’s Day assembly, the issue told the stories of our military personnel. As an adviser, I was floored by my staff members’ desire to give back to those who served. The reactions of our veterans when they received their copies were incredible. They were so touched by the articles and time taken to tell their stories. Some even Facebooked the issue. The nine students involved showed how much it means to the Freeman School District to have dedicated people protect our freedom, creating a heartfelt thank you.”
If you are planning a Veteran’s Day issue, you can glean ideas for your Veteran’s Day issue from this staff. Click on the link below to read complete issue of The Bagpiper as a PDF.
Freeman HS – November2013Final
Written By: Candace Bowen