Lori Keekley, in Dow Jones speech,
promotes SPRC services
by Lori Keekley
Thanks to all of you who were at Nov. 12’s Dow Jones Newsfund’s Journalism Teacher of the Year speech. Here are the links I promised. If you weren’t there, these are great reminders of several important items available from the SPRC:
• SPRC members are reintroducing the Making a Difference campaign. This monthly posting will highlight students who have made a difference through their coverage. When your students create content that has a positive impact on your school or community, please fill out the submission form and we’ll tell you how to send your content. JEA Scholastic Press Rights Committee will post one or more packages a month on its website and promote them on social media.
• Also, for those of you who are interested in starting a conversation with administrators, we’ve provided some information from both SPRC and JEA: Teacher’s Kit for Curing Hazelwood, JEA Advisers Code of Ethics, Talking Points to use with Administrators. Another great resource (in addition to everything from SPLC) is the Principal’s Guide to Scholastic Journalism.
• And … applications are available for JEA’s First Amendment Press Freedom Award. In its 17th year, the award recognizes high schools that actively support, teach and protect First Amendment rights and responsibilities of students and teachers. The recognition focuses on student-run media where students make all final decisions of content without prior review. The award comes in two steps, with Round 1 due before Dec. 1. The entry form and entry information can be obtained here.
• We’re happy to help via SPRC’s Panic Button if needed. We are here for you!
Thank you, and please let me know how I can further help you.
Written By: John Bowen