In journalism today, where does one role end and another begin?

In the wake of NPR’s firing of Juan Williams, questions emerge over the mixing of roles in new media and create confusion for journalists as well as communities.

In short, as some say in coverage since Williams’ firing, what kinds of speech will be OK in the future and what does the incident say about media ethics.

According to the Christian Science Monitor, “The Williams firing shows that NPR, in many ways, is an example of a news organization trying to navigate new media without muddying the role of journalism in society, says Jen Reeves, an associate journalism professor at the University of Missouri in Columbia.

“‘It’s confusing to the general public what journalism is anymore,'” says Ms. Reeves. “‘Our job as journalists is to question the culture and present it to the general public to think about. But instead we’re constantly [playing up people’s fears].'”

It’s that confusion that the links below might lead to numerous lessons and discussions about new media ethics and the roles of scholastic journalists.

Even though our students may not play different roles for different media, they might play different roles for the same media.

Will being a commentator or promoter in one case using new media create confusion with a reporting role in print media?

These articles might add to what is a much-needed discussion:

Juan Williams firing: What speech is OK as journalism evolves?

NPR fires Williams as criticism mounts

NPR fires Juan Williams; Fox News expands his role

NPR ends Williams’ contract after Muslim remarks

Juan Williams calls firing by NPR ‘chilling assault on free speech’

Juan Williams at odds with NPR over dismissal

Juan Williams fired: pitfalls of the ‘instant opinion’ age

NPR vs. Fox News: Juan Williams firing reveals deeper media fight

NPR’s Schiller says Juan Williams fired because of ethical guidelines

Written By: John Bowen