Helping the John Wall New Voices Act
be a springboard for change, more legislation
North Dakota’s passage of the John Wall New Voices Act sets a good model for those of us in other states who want to protect free expression for students as they learn how that expression is the cornerstone of democracy.
We should realize the importance of this passage, the first in eight years since Oregon’s passed. Before that, the last state to pass legislation was Arkansas 20 years ago April 10.
Let’s take time to do two things to honor this passage:
• Let’s search for ways to pass similar legislation in our states. Learning from North Dakota, we can study SPLC and SPRC blueprints for legislation to start our efforts, and
• Let’s support North Dakota’s efforts through Go Fund Me to help them support SPLC director Frank LoMonte’s return to the state for the signing of the Act (and to help provide honorariums to Mary Beth Tinker and Cathy Kuhlmeier for their efforts to pass the legislation).
Good job, North Dakota, in providing another positive model of the difference active, involved citizens of all ages and beliefs can achieve when they work together for a just cause.
Written By: John Bowen