Finding pieces of the puzzle
that is scholastic media

sprclogoLooking for the pieces to the journalistic puzzle a new year of student media will bring?

Here are some pieces that might help:

• Use of the Panic Button can help with legal or ethical issues.

Constitution Day materials available around the first of September. Congress mandated schools must provide lessons and activities on Constitutional issues Sept. 17. Check out our past materials and be on the lookout for ones to come this year.

• Need a quick way to start your class each day or once a week? Listen to our Press Rights Minutes with information on a variety of legal and ethical points.

• Facing changes in what you report and how to do so? Our Foundations Project will provide extensive information, lessons and articles on building effective editorial policies, supporting them with strong ethical guidelines which in turn are strengthened by detailed staff manual procedures.

More, including links to SPRC lessons, will come soon.

Written By: John Bowen