Fight for the Right to Write!
Puyallup, Wash. – About 50 interested, supportive people joined together on a blustery Monday evening at the Puyallup Public Library to hear the editors of the three local high school newspapers share their plans for fighting the current student expression policies and regulations in the Puyallup School District.

Dozens of students and local citizens gathered to hear the plan in Puyallup to Fight for the Right to Write!
During the forum, Student Press Law Center attorney Mike Hiestand joined the group via Skype to answer questions and give the group some perspective on the policies and their impact in Puyallup.
Puyallup High School’s Viking Vanguard Editor-in-Chief Rebecca Harris opened the session by reviewing the group’s mission, petition statement and overview of what the student editors game plan is for the next several weeks. The group’s mission is: “To advocate for the rights of student journalists in the Puyallup School District. We aim to work with the school board to repeal Policy 3220 and Regulation 3220R and institute a new policy and regulation that ensures responsible journalism without prior review and prior restraint.”
The group asked that each person in attendance sign their petition and encourage their friends, family and fellow concerned citizens to sign the online petition following tonight’s meeting. The petition reads: “We support the Puyallup School District working in collaboration with students to institute a publications policy that will ensure responsible journalism without including prior review. We are committed to a process that will ensure the continuation of Puyallup’s outstanding journalist achievement while maintaining Puyallup’s long tradition of leadership in student First Amendment rights.”
Here’s how to contact the student editors and the leaders of Fight for the Right to Write:
email –
Web –
Facebook – search for Fight for the Right to Write
Twitter – search for The Right to Write
Written By: John Bowen