Exposing the killing impact of Heroin
When Zach Anders wrote about the rise of heroin in his community, he faced prior review. However, the administrators did not kill the story and it later went on to earn several awards. He published this in his high school newspaper, Sitqayu at Henry M. Jackson High School, in Mill Creek, Wash.
According to his adviser, Torri McEntire, “Anders took on a cover story that had been percolating around school for two years – Heroin use was on the rise. Initially, the Asst. Principal and Principal were not completely positive about the idea. During prior review, they raised concerns about the school appearing to be drug-infused. They both believe in student voice and expression, however, and did not try to kill the story.
This piece went on to win a Best Investigative Reporter Award from the Scholastic Press Assn. and a 2nd Place for best feature from the Edward R. Murrow High School Journalism Awards given by Washington State University that includes entries from five states. It was the most-talked about story of the year for Stiqayu. Zach handled the subject matter and the subsequent buzz well as negative reaction and kudos rolled in.
The story raised awareness about a growing problem and provided resources to students, educators and other adults.
Click here to read Anders story: Heroin on the Rise
Written By: Candace Bowen