Entry posting for Picture Freedom begins Feb. 22

There’s still time for students 13 and older can win a $1,ooo scholarship by sharing     photos and artwork that illustrate freedom of expression in the Picture Freedom contest. 160x600-picture-freedom

Obtain information about the contest here.

Click here to download the official rules. A guest column by Ken Paulson, president of the Newseum Institute’s First Amendment Center, and the contest’s media ads are available for publishing in print and online.

Contestant entries must be submitted via a public posting to the social networking sites Instagram, Facebook, Twitter or between the hours of 12:00:00 AM EST on Feb. 22, 2015 and 11:59:59 PM PST on Feb. 28, 2015.

The entry must contain the hashtag #PictureFreedom (not case sensitive) and must be accessible to the general public (remove all privacy settings relating to this post or tweet).

Written By: John Bowen