Diversity audit
Diversity Audit
Photos and captions
Please fill out the following information for the photos on the page(s) you have been assigned. You will need one sheet per page or spread. Please use a different color pen/highlighter for each photo.
Issue # _______ Page(s) # _______ Total stories on page _______ Photos_______
Primary, secondary or other photo/graphic placement (Use this as a highlighter key)
• Who would be the interested in the photo, caption or graphic? (both grades and groups)
Grade: 9, 10, 11, 12, admin/staff
Gender: female, male
Race: African American, Asian, Caucasian, Latino, Native American, other
Identifying group: AP/IB/honors, athletes, band, business, choir, drama/theater, GLBTQ, popular, student media, student council/ASB, other
• Who is shown in the photo?
Grade: 9, 10, 11, 12, admin/staff
Gender: female, male
Race: African American, Asian, Caucasian, Latino, Native American, other
Identifying group: AP/IB/honors, athletes, band, business, choir, drama/theater, GLBTQ, popular, student media, student council/ASB, other
• Identified in the caption?
Grade: 9, 10, 11, 12, admin/staff
Gender: female, male
Race: African American, Asian, Caucasian, Latino, Native American, other
Identifying group: AP/IB/honors, athletes, band, business, choir, drama/theater, GLBTQ, popular, student media, student council/ASB, other
• Included in the graphic?
Grade: 9, 10, 11, 12, admin/staff
Gender: female, male
Race: African American, Asian, Caucasian, Latino, Native American, other
Identifying group: AP/IB/honors, athletes, band, business, choir, drama/theater, GLBTQ, popular, student media, student council/ASB, other
• If not all grades are represented, could they have been? yes no
• Is there editorializing in the caption?
If you answered “yes” to any of the above, please explain below.
Diversity Audit
Story (non-opinions)
Please fill out the following information for each story on the page or spread you have been assigned. You will need one sheet per story.
Issue # _______ Page(s) # _______ Total stories on page _______ Photos _______
Story placement:
Top, secondary, other
Who would be the interested in the story? Circle all that apply.
Grade: 9, 10, 11, 12, admin/staff
Gender: female, male
Race: African American, Asian, Caucasian, Latino, Native American, other
Identifying group: AP/IB/honors, athletes, band, business, choir, drama/theater, GLBTQ, popular, student media, student council/ASB, other
Information used
Include a name after type of source for each.
Coverage questions:
- If not all grades are represented, could they have been? yes no
- If not all genders are represented, could they have been? yes no
- If not all ethnicities are represented, could they have been? yes no
- If not all social groups are represented, could they have been? yes no
- Could story have included some angle for groups we don’t often cover instead? yes no
- Did the topic only pertain to writer’s friends? yes no
If you answered yes to any of the above, please explain briefly. Use another piece of paper if there is not enough room.
How does the story portray any group(s) covered in the story? Please explain in space to the right for each group covered.
positive light
negative ight
positive light
negative light
positive light
negative ight
Other questions:
- Did the story adequately represent both sides? yes no
- Did the writer do research for the story? yes no
- In your opinion, did the writer do enough research? yes no
- Was the coverage slanted? yes no
- Were facts misconstrued to prove a point? yes no
- Would those of an opposite view believe coverage was slanted or facts were misconstrued? yes no
- Does the story also include either a photo or infographic? yes no
- Are there any letters to the editor about the topic published in later issues? yes no
- What was the stance/critique of the letter? (Please use the following space for comments.)
Diversity Audit
Story (opinion
Please fill out the following information for each story on the page you have been assigned. You will need one sheet per story.
Issue # _______ Page(s) # _______ Total stories on page _______ Photos/art _______
Story placement:
Top, secondary, other
Who would be the interested in the story? Circle all that apply.
Grade: 9, 10, 11, 12, admin/staff
Gender: female, male
Race: African American, Asian, Caucasian, Latino, Native American, other
Identifying group: AP/IB/honors, athletes, band, business, choir, drama/theater, GLBTQ, popular, student media, student council/ASB, other
Information used
Include a name after type of source for each.
Coverage questions:
- If not all grades are represented, could they have been? yes no
- If not all genders are represented, could they have been? yes no
- If not all ethnicities are represented, could they have been? yes no
- If not all social groups are represented, could they have been? yes no
- Could story have included some angle for groups we don’t often cover instead? yes no
- Did the topic only pertain to writer’s friends? yes no
If you answered yes to any of the above, please explain briefly. Use another piece of paper if there is not enough room.
Does the story portray any group(s) in either of the following: Please explain in space to the right of each.
positive light
negative ight
positive light
negative light
positive light
negative light
Other questions:
- Did the story adequately represent both sides? yes no
- Did the writer do research for the story? yes no
- In your opinion, did the writer do enough research? yes no
- Was the coverage slanted? yes no
- Were facts misconstrued to prove a point? yes no
- Would those of an opposite view believe coverage was slanted or facts were misconstrued? yes no
- Does the story also include either a photo or infographic? yes no
- Are there any letters to the editor about the topic published in later issues? yes no
- What was the stance/critique of the letter? (Please use the following space for comments.)
What did you hear about this article from peers/teachers/administrators/parents? (Please use the following space for comments.)
Diversity Audit
Please fill out the following information for each graphic on the page you have been assigned. You will need one sheet per graphic.
Issue # _______ Page(s) # _______ Total graphics on page _______
Primary, secondary or other
• Who would be the interested in the graphic? (both grades and groups)
Grade: 9, 10, 11, 12, admin/staff
Gender: female, male
Race: African American, Asian, Caucasian, Latino, Native American, other
Identifying group: AP/IB/honors, athletes, band, business, choir, drama/theater, GLBTQ, popular, student media, student council/ASB, other
• Who is represented in the graphic?
Grade: 9, 10, 11, 12, admin/staff
Gender: female, male
Race: African American, Asian, Caucasian, Latino, Native American, other
Identifying group: AP/IB/honors, athletes, band, business, choir, drama/theater, GLBTQ, popular, student media, student council/ASB, other
• Identified in the graphic?
Grade: 9, 10, 11, 12, admin/staff
Gender: female, male
Race: African American, Asian, Caucasian, Latino, Native American, other
Identifying group: AP/IB/honors, athletes, band, business, choir, drama/theater, GLBTQ, popular, student media, student council/ASB, other
• If not all grades are represented, could they have been? yes no
• Is information misrepresented in the graphic? yes no
Please explain any “yes” answers in the space below:
What did you hear about this article from peers/teachers/administrators/parents? (Please use the following space for comments.
Written By: John Bowen