Could $300 help show your community what student press freedom looks like?
by John Bowen, MJE
With Student Press Freedom Day coming Jan. 29, 2020, the Student Press Law Center created an incentive to help student media celebrate, inform or advocate the importance of free student media.
The incentive comes in the form of grant applications due to the SPLC by Jan. 9. Student media can use the grants, for up to $300 each, to act as a springboard toward New Voices passage, toward why America needs more scholastic journalists or local campaigns to educate communities.
Titled “This is What Student Press Freedom Looks Like,” events or activities would take place on or near Jan. 29.
For an SPLC list of possible ideas, events and activities, contact information and rules, click here. Check out coming blogs here for additional ideas.
Written By: John Bowen