Ancillary: Rubrics

Media Manual Statement


10 8 6 4 2
Knowledge of Morse Media statement demonstrates deep knowledge of Morse and its implications for student journalism Media statement demonstrates knowledge of Morse and its implications for student journalism Media statement demonstrates some knowledge of Morse and its implications for student journalism Media statement demonstrates little knowledge of Morse and its implications for student journalism Media statement does not demonstrate knowledge of Morse and its implications for student journalism
Addresses potential limitations Media statement superbly anticipates and addresses limitations Morse could have on the program Media statement adequately anticipates and addresses limitations Morse could have on the program Media statement attempts to anticipate and address limitations Morse could have on the program Media statement does not adequately anticipate or address limitations Morse could have on the program Media statement does not anticipate or address limitations Morse could have on the program
Addresses circuit decisions Media statement addresses the implications of decisions from our circuit (if applicable) Media statement mentions decisions from our circuit but does not address their implications (if applicable) Media statement does not mention decisions from our circuit (if applicable)
Administrator Concerns Media statement fully anticipates and addresses potential issues with school administration and/or school board Media statement anticipates and addresses potential issues with school administration and/or school board Media statement somewhat anticipates and addresses potential issues with school administration and/or school board Media statement anticipates potential issues with school administration and/or school board but does not address them Media statement does not anticipate or address potential issues with school administration
Writing Media statement demonstrates excellent grammar and mechanics Media statement demonstrates adequate grammar and mechanics (1-2 mistakes) Media statement’s grammar and mechanics need work (3-4 mistakes) Media statement’s grammar and mechanics are poor (5-6 mistakes) Media statement’s grammar and mechanics are unacceptable (7+ mistakes)

Group Project (Broadly Interpreted Cases)


10 8 6 4 2
Knowledge of case Project demonstrates deep knowledge of the selected case and its implications for student journalism Project demonstrates knowledge of the selected case and its implications for student journalism Project demonstrates some knowledge of the selected case and its implications for student journalism Project demonstrates little knowledge of the selected case and its implications for student journalism Project does not demonstrate knowledge of the selected case and its implications for student journalism
Factors leading to a broad interpretation Project utilizes multiple sources to list all factors that led to a broad interpretation of Morse Project utilizes multiple sources to list multiple factors that led to a broad interpretation of Morse Project utilizes one source to list some factors that led to a broad interpretation of Morse Project utilizes one source to a few factors that led to a broad interpretation of Morse Project does not address factors leading to a broad interpretation of Morse
Addresses potential issues Project superbly anticipates and addresses how to avoid a similar situation Project adequately anticipates and addresses how to avoid a similar situation Project anticipates but does not address how to avoid a similar situation Project does not adequately anticipate or address how to avoid a similar situation Project does not anticipate or address how to avoid a similar situation
Presentation Presentation dynamically teaches the staff about this topic in full detail Presentation teaches the staff about this topic in full detail Presentation teaches the staff about this topic in some detail Presentation lacks detail Presentation does not provide relevant details related to the case
Writing Project demonstrates excellent grammar and mechanics Project demonstrates adequate grammar and mechanics (1-2 mistakes) Project’s grammar and mechanics need work (3-4 mistakes) Project’s grammar and mechanics are poor (5-6 mistakes) Project’s grammar and mechanics are unacceptable (7+ mistakes)

Roleplaying Scenario

20 16 12 8 4
Portrayal of Role Student demonstrates excellent understanding and portrays his/her role superbly Student demonstrates solid understanding and portrays his/her role well Student demonstrates adequate understanding and portrays his/her role adequately Student demonstrates little understanding and portrays his/her role unconvincingly or inaccurately Student inaccurately depicts his/her role
Quality Student’s portrayal of role is backed up by quality research and sources Student’s portrayal of role is backed up by research and sources Student’s portrayal of role is backed up by some research and sources Student’s portrayal of role is backed up by little research and sources Student’s portrayal of role is not backed up by research or sources
10 8 6 4 2
Presentation Presentation dynamically teaches the staff about this topic in full detail Presentation teaches the staff about this topic in full detail Presentation teaches the staff about this topic in some detail Presentation lacks detail Presentation does not provide relevant details related to the case

Teaching Model


10 8 6 4 2
Knowledge of subject matter Project demonstrates deep knowledge of the selected cases and their implications for student journalism Project demonstrates knowledge of the selected cases and their implications for student journalism Project demonstrates some knowledge of the selected cases and their implications for student journalism Project demonstrates little knowledge of the selected cases and their implications for student journalism Project does not demonstrate knowledge of the selected cases and their implications for student journalism
Medium Students carefully selected the best medium for accomplishing their task Students selected an appropriate medium for accomplishing their task Students selected a somewhat appropriate medium for accomplishing their task Students selected a somewhat inappropriate medium for accomplishing their task Students selected an inappropriate medium for accomplishing their task
Purpose The teaching model fulfills its intended purpose superbly The teaching model fulfills its intended purpose adequately The teaching model somewhat fulfills its intended purpose The teaching model does not accomplish one of its intended tasks The teaching model does not accomplish its intended tasks
Audience The teaching model has a clearly defined audience The teaching model has an adequately defined audience The audience is not clearly defined The teaching model has no clear audience The teaching model lacks an audience
Writing Teaching model demonstrates excellent grammar and mechanics Teaching model demonstrates adequate grammar and mechanics (1-2 mistakes) Teaching model’s grammar and mechanics need work (3-4 mistakes) Teaching model’s grammar and mechanics are poor (5-6 mistakes) Teaching model’s grammar and mechanics are unacceptable (7+ mistakes)



10 8 6 4 2
Knowledge of subject matter Letter demonstrates deep knowledge of the selected cases and their implications for student journalism Letter demonstrates knowledge of the selected cases and their implications for student journalism Letter demonstrates some knowledge of the selected cases and their implications for student journalism Letter demonstrates little knowledge of the selected cases and their implications for student journalism Letter does not demonstrate knowledge of the selected cases and their implications for student journalism
Purpose The letter fulfills its intended purpose superbly The letter fulfills its intended purpose adequately The letter somewhat fulfills its intended purpose The letter does not accomplish one of its intended tasks The letter does not accomplish its intended tasks
Audience The letter has a clearly defined audience The letter has an adequately defined audience The letter is not clearly defined The letter has no clear audience The letter lacks an audience
20 16 12 8 4
Writing Teaching model demonstrates excellent grammar and mechanics Teaching model demonstrates adequate grammar and mechanics (1-2 mistakes) Teaching model’s grammar and mechanics need work (3-4 mistakes) Teaching model’s grammar and mechanics are poor (5-6 mistakes) Teaching model’s grammar and mechanics are unacceptable (7+ mistakes)


Written By: John Bowen