Allowing sources to preview content before publication

sprclogoFoundations_mainEthical guidelines
Sources do not have the right to review materials prior to publication. Allowing sources to preview content at any stage of production raises serious ethical and journalistic practice questions.

Staff manual process
Student editors should develop a position on prior review requests and ensure all staff understand the process for addressing such a request. In addition, students should practice transparency throughout the editorial process.

• Students should build trust in the reporting process by demonstrating integrity in their information-gathering process.
• Students may opt to verify quotes by reading them back to sources. If sources indicate quotes are inaccurate, students should check their notes and act accordingly. This should not include changing the original quotes because sources want to revise their statements.
• Sources should not see others’ quotes or information.

Show And Print, American Journalism Review
The Essentials of Sourcing, Reuters
Writing and Reporting the News, Carole Rich
Sharing Stories With Sources Before Publication Is Risky, But Can Improve Accuracy, Steve Buttry
Lesson: Crafting the Argument, Journalism Education Association
Lesson: A Lesson on the Rules of Prior Approval of Quotes, Content, JEA Scholastic Press Rights Committee

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Written By: John Bowen