Ethical guidelines
Students should not discriminate against advertising based on their personal beliefs. For example, students should attempt to include advertisers from multiple perspectives.
According to the federal court decision in Yeo v. Lexington, student editors have the right to reject advertisements and school administrators are not legally responsible for advertising decisions students make.
Staff manual process
Student editors should develop a position on advertising requests and procedures.
Students should factor the following into staff manual decisions:
• The decision-making process
• When to reject advertisements
• Control of funds (based on school and district requirements) and services received
• Student ad sales requirements
Sample policy
Students make all content decisions, including those related to advertising, and maintain the right to reject any ads. Student media do not necessarily endorse the products or services offered in advertisements. Students should strive to retain as much control of funds or services obtained from the sale of advertising, subscriptions or other student fundraisers as possible.
Lesson: Advertising and Fundraising, Journalism Education Association
Student Media Guide to Advertising Law, Student Press Law Center
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Written By: John Bowen