45Words t-shirts and more
JEA’s Scholastic Press Rights Commission’s Student Partners have been cooking up some great ideas for what they’re going to be doing at the national convention next week in Kansas City.
We hope you’ll help support their endeavors in a couple of different ways. They’ve got some amazing things planned:
• 45words t-shirts
Those at the Portland convention will remember these classy T-shirts with the 45 words of the First Amendment. The T-shirts will be for sale at the 45words booth in the trade show exhibit area. The shirts that were so popular in Portland will be for sale at our booth for only $10 per shirt. Check out the logo above or on the in-progress 45words.org student blogsite to see what the shirt looks like. We will only have 200 shirts for sale (add in more details on sizes here), so get yours as soon as you can. You an place an order ahead of time if you are going to pick up the shirts in KC.
If you will be at the convention and want to pre-order shirts, please contact John Bowen at jabowen@kent.edu before Tuesday, Nov. 9 at 3 pm.
• 45words booth
At their booth, the students will ask students to share their stories and experiences in dealing with the First Amendment. Video will be uploaded to their blog (45words.org) each evening. There will also be free First Amendment posters and buttons.
• Student Presentation
On Saturday at noon (Think F1rst), the group will present a session directed toward raising awareness of First Amendment issues designed to assist students undergoing some sort of First Amendment crisis. The session will also help students, advisers and administrators looking for solutions to vexing First Amendment problems. A question-and-answer session will follow. Check these amazing students out in Convention Center 2201.
• Applications
We are looking for our next group of Student Partners to replace those who will graduate at the end of the year. If you have students who are interested in being a part of this group, talk to one of the Student Partners at our booth or after their session. They’ll be wearing name badges that have a yellow ribbon identifying them as Student Partners.
Written By: John Bowen