10 resources to strengthen
your journalism program: FSW

freespeechweek_logo_mainSolid reporting makes arguments for free expression in student media easier. Here are 10 articles journalism teachers and advisers can build from to put newsthinking into their journalism programs.

  • How to do good journalism between now and election day


The key here is how to apply important points to all reporting, even after the elections. What can be applied here to make your student media reporting even more effective so it better fulfills journalistic responsibility

  • Fact check: Trump and Clinton debate for the first time


This experiment in real-time fact-checking runs more than 40 pages and drew more than 7.4 million pageviews, Poynter.org reported. Its links to accurate sources is a treasure trove scholastic journalists can use in other reporting.

  • Emotion in reporting: use and abuse


High on this year’s ethics in journalism discussion list is objectivity and its side issues. Scholastic media have been particularly affected by this: whether emotion or self-promotion is acceptable. Ethicist Stephen J. A. Ward makes the argument emotion in journalism can be manipulated.

  • Why journalism education has much more progress to make


While this article is primarily aimed at collegiate journalism education, it has key thoughts for scholastic media: there will be journalism jobs for those who can make sense of information, no matter the tools.

  • Is solutions journalism the solution?


In addition to just reporting negative impacts of issues or events, solutions journalism reporters will look at efforts to deal with those problems. This article outlines who one reporter tackled local issues in an approach that focused on searches for solutions along with just highlighting the problems. Also see Solutions Journalism Network.

  • Interviewing: The ignored skill


Good questions bring about good stories but they are not the only skill needed in interviewing.

Asking the right questions based on skillful listening is also a key.

  • Data Journalism Handbook


In its Beta stage, the  handbook is well organized with descriptions that put this growing journalistic skill into perspective. The handbook also shares examples of data stories. Good for teachers looking for a basic understanding of data journalism. See also The challenges and possible pitfalls of data journalism, and how you can avoid them for the ethical concerns of this approach.

  • Do you know which news media to trust?


This Newsela/American Press Institute collaboration is aimed to help teachers and students with materials to strengthen news literacy in election coverage.

  • Joining forces in the name of Watchdog Journalism


Old instincts argue for competition instead of collaboration. Here is a story on the importance – and need – for collaborative watchdog journalism.

  • Resources for journalism educators (in covering sensitive issues)


As scholastic journalists delve more and more into reporting sensitive issues, these materials will help provide background and reliable and credible sources.



Written By: John Bowen