View the national Journalist of the Year rubric here. While many states use JEA's national criteria and rubric for their state-level contest, not all do. Make sure to follow each state’s guidelines for those submissions.

This series of "portfolio polish" videos offer students and educators a chance to learn more about specific areas required in the national award rubric used by Journalist of the Year jurors.

These videos were recording during live help sessions and include some audience questions.


Ideas and best practices for the commitment to diversity portion of the scholarship competition criteria. Moderated by JEA Journalist of the Year coordinator Joe Humphrey, MJE, and featuring panelists Sarah Nichols, MJE; Val Kibler, MJE; Sarah Verpooten, MJE; P.J. Cabrera, CJE, and Elizabeth Cyr.

Personal narrative

Special guest Roy Peter Clark discusses personal narratives. Moderated by JEA Journalist of the Year coordinator Joe Humphrey, MJE.

Editing, leadership and team building

Ideas and best practices for editing, leadership and team building with Susan Gregory, MJE; Karl Grubaugh, CJE, and Lori Keekley, MJE.

Broadcasting journalism

2020 JEA Journalist of the Year winner Emily Hood and broadcasting advisers Jonathan Rogers, MJE; Omar Delgado and Christina Insua discuss on broadcast packages and best practices.

Law, ethics and news literacy

Ideas and best practices for law, ethics and news literacy. Guest speakers for the discussion include: Adriana Chavira, MJE; Hadar Harris and Kristin Taylor, MJE.

Audience engagement and marketing

Ideas and best practices for the marketing and audience engagement. Moderated by JEA Journalist of the Year coordinator Joe Humphrey, MJE, and featuring panelists 2021 JEA Journalist of the Year Riley Atkinson of Kansas, with advisers Courtney Hanks, MJE, and Phillip Caston, CJE.

Reporting and writing

Ideas and best practices for reporting and writing. Moderated by JEA Journalist of the Year coordinator Joe Humphrey, MJE, and featuring panelists 2021 JEA Journalist of the Year Runner-Up Anna Vazhaeparambil of California, with advisers Brit Taylor and Jack Kennedy, MJE.


Ideas and best practices for photojournalism. Moderated by JEA Journalist of the Year coordinator Joe Humphrey, MJE, and featuring panelists 2021 JEA Journalist of the Year runner-up Anna Vazhaeparambil of California, and advisers Kyle Carter, CJE, and Cindy Todd.


Ideas and best practices for design. Moderated by JEA Journalist of the Year coordinator Joe Humphrey, MJE, and featuring advisers Christina Porcelli and Mitch Ziegler, CJE, with two 2021 state journalists of the year, Eva McCord of Michigan, and Catherine McCarthy of Florida

Web and social media

Ideas and best practices for online works and social media. Moderated by JEA Journalist of the Year coordinator Joe Humphrey, MJE, and featuring panelists 2021 JEA Journalist of the Year, Riley Atkinson of Kansas, and JEA Journalist of the Year runner-up Anna Vazhaeparambil of California, with advisers Melissa Falkowski, CJE, and Jim Streisel, MJE.

Additional help videos

Learn about JEA's Journalist of the Year scholarship competition with program coordinator Joe Humphrey. He will look at the process, the rubric, best practices for creating a student portfolio and more.

These videos were the recorded from the Fall 2020 JEA/NSPA National High School Journalism Convention. Student journalists asked questions about the Journalist of the Year application process.

Please note two updates that have been made after production of these videos:

  • Applicants are no longer required to have two years of scholastic journalism experience, though most will.
  • JEA has increased the number of runner-up winners to four and the runner-up scholarship amount to $1,000.