Re-connect with a face-to-face PLC meeting in Minneapolis
It’s easy to be jazzed about something when you’re in a room full of talented, passionate educators who inspire you. That’s one of the best things about being part of a content-specific PLC with other JEA members. The hard part is maintaining that level of passion and excitement once you return to the daily grind and all of your other school responsibilities.
We’ve heard from those of you who have participated in the pre-convention workshops – the biggest challenge you face is staying in touch with the group to continue your good work.
With that in mind, we’d like to offer you a new opportunity beginning at the Minneapolis convention:
On Friday, from 9-10:50 a.m., we have scheduled a large, open room for groups established at previous conventions to meet face-to-face and get re-energized and re-focused on your SMART goals. Mark your convention planners/calendars and tell your PLC friends to meet you in Room 205B. This won’t be time led by the NJPLC committee, with a set agenda. It’s time for your group to accomplish your goals.
We really hope you’ll take advantage of this opportunity. Please don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions.