The Journalism Education Association welcomed Cindy Horchem July 16 as its new office specialist for the headquarters office located at Kansas State University. Horchem will work part time serving the needs of nearly 3,000 JEA members.
If the name sounds familiar, it might be because Horchem was a longtime journalism adviser and JEA member in the Kansas City area. For 13 years she was at Piper High School in Kansas City, Kansas, where she taught courses in mass media fundamentals, media design and production, editorial leadership, photojournalism and computer graphics. She also advised The Pirates’ Log newspaper, The Pirate yearbook and website.
“We are so fortunate to have a new staff member who can start with complete understanding and knowledge of JEA and the members we serve,” Executive Director Kelly Glasscock, CJE, said. “She started day one knowing our core mission having lived it in the classroom for decades. She will be a tremendous asset to JEA and all our members.”
Horchem will organize some convention activities as well as assist the director with financial accounting by working with the accounting firm. She also will help serve on the front lines by answering member inquiries that come via email or phone.
“It is wonderful having a person on staff who has a journalism teacher’s perspective plus the computer design skills that will be beneficial on a lot of projects,” longtime JEA employee Connie Fulkerson, CJE, said.
Horchem can be reached at her new JEA email address,