Great journalism begins with great reporting. Great reporting begins with investigative research. As a model for the great journalism students learn to produce in scholastic media programs, JEA has selected “Dopesick: Dealers, Doctors, and the Drug Company that Addicted America” by Beth Macy as its 2019-2020 One Book.

In this comprehensive look into American’s 20-plus year struggle with opioid addiction, New York Times bestselling author and journalist Macy leads the reader through distressed small communities in Central Appalachia to wealthy suburbs, illustrating how this national crisis has persisted for so long. In her prologue, Macy asks, “What exactly, his mother wanted to know, had led to the death of her only son?” about a high school football player who died of an overdose. This is the question Macy keeps asking about the crisis that killed more than 72,000 people in 2017 alone. Through personal anecdotes and thorough research and reporting, Macy paints the portrait of this epidemic and provides young journalists and journalism educators with a model for investigative reporting on an issue that has filtered into some of our high schools.

JEA moved to a one book per year model in 2018, which allows members more time to read and engage. Members are invited to read “Dopesick” and to encourage their students to read it as well. JEA will host sessions on the book during the fall and spring NSPA/JEA National High School Journalism Conventions in Washington, D.C., and Nashville, respectively.

JEA has set up a Facebook Group as a way for members to interact with each other as they read “Dopesick.” In addition, make sure to follow @JEAOneBook on Twitter for more information.

The JEA Bookstore will offer a special sale on the One Book: $14.40 for members plus shipping. Members should log in to the members-only area before ordering to get the discount code. Then go to the JEA Bookstore.

The book’s author is on Twitter and Facebook.

Connie Fulkerson

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