JEA seeking executive director
The Journalism Education Association, the largest scholastic journalism organization for teachers and advisers, is seeking applicants for its executive director position at Kansas State University in Manhattan, an All-American City of approximately 57,000 residents in central Kansas. This position is 0.8 JEA and 0.2 teaching.
The JEA executive director also will have a teaching appointment (non-tenure track instructor) in the A.Q. Miller School of Journalism and Mass Communications at Kansas State University and teach one course each term (fall, spring and summer). He or she must be able to teach a diverse selection of classes, such as news and feature writing, magazine writing, and/or global advertising. Additional service activities, such as serving on school committees, also may be required of the successful candidate.
The candidate we seek must have a strong commitment to quality 501c3 nonprofit organization management, including event planning, budgeting, staff management and working with a board of directors. Additionally, the ideal candidate must have a strong commitment to teaching, effective student advising and mentoring, and serving a diverse population.
The successful candidate will have a master’s degree in journalism or a related field or commensurate professional experience in organizational management and/or education. Candidates with a Ph.D in journalism/mass communications, an Ed.D. and/or MBA are preferred.
The deadline to apply is Nov. 28, 2016. More information and the official application process can be found on the KSU jobs website.
JEA and KSU plan to announce finalists by Dec. 8, 2016. Initial interviews are planned for Dec. 12-16, 2016. On-campus visits for up to three candidates are set for late January-early February 2017. An official announcement of the new director tentatively has been scheduled for April 6, 2017, at the JEA board of directors meeting at its spring convention in Seattle, Washington. The new director is expected to begin Aug. 2, 2017.
JEA members of the search committee are:
- Mark Newton, president;
- Sarah Nichols, vice president; and
- Megan Fromm, Educational Initiatives director.
KSU members of the search committee are:
- Linda Puntney, JEA interim director, assistant professor of journalism; and
- Steve Wolgast, director Collegian Media Group, assistant professor of journalism.
For additional information, contact co-chairs Newton and/or Puntney.